Sunday, October 13, 2024

Illegal migrant crossings skyrocket 50-fold under Biden-Harris admin at northern border stretch that includes New York

 The number of migrants caught crossing a stretch of the US-Canada border that includes northern New York has skyrocketed — increasing more than 50-fold under the Biden-Harris administration.

This year, illegal crossings surpassed the number for the last 17 years combined.

The Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector — which includes more than 200 miles of land border between Maine and the St. Lawrence River in New York — apprehended more than 19,000 illegal migrants from 97 different countries in fiscal year 2024, the Border Patrol chief for the sector, Robert Garcia, said this week.

Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector of the northern border apprehend a group of 19 adults near Champlain, New York.X/USBPChiefSWB
Mike Guillen/NY Post

And among them have been at least 321 terror suspects as of the end of August – with the numbers for September still not logged into Customs and Border Protection’s data. 

In the year prior, there were 484 suspected terrorists apprehended. 

The threat of terror suspects coming from Canada is very real. 

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, a 20-year-old Pakistani legally living in Canada on a student visa who was allegedly on his way to the US border to carry out a massacre of NYC jews, that he hoped would be “the largest US attack since 9/11.”

Authorities said Khan was planning to smuggle himself into the US, but was caught in September at the last moment by undercover FBI agents masquerading as co-conspirators.

Though the number of crossings from Canada is smaller compared to the southern border — where 54,000 illegal border crossings were recorded in September alone — they have been increasing at incredible pace.

In fiscal year 2021, just 365 illegal crossers were caught in the sector. The numbers climbed to more than 1,000 in 2022, and then nearly 7,000 last fiscal year.

Across the whole northern border, crossings have increased massively in recent years — with nearly 190,000 illegal migrants caught crossing from Canada in fiscal year 2023.

That’s more than six times as many illegal crossers as in 2021.

Figures for fiscal year 2024 crossings look likely to be close to 2023 levels.

The Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector apprehended more than 19,000 illegal migrants from 97 different countries in fiscal year 2024, officials said.X/USBPChiefSWB

One reason the northern border has seen a recent surge while crossings on the southern border are falling is that the 5,500-mile stretch is not affected by the new Biden-Harris administration’s asylum restrictions.

The rules — similar to a Trump administration policy — restrict illegal border crossers from accessing the years-long asylum process

The policy remains in effect at the southern border, where it bars asylum access until illegal crossings fall below an average of 1,500 per day for a month.