Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fine Tuning The Extensive Inclusive Voter Fraud System

 Sunlit7 op

The probability is better than not that it is the billionaire class out there paying people twenty seven fifty an hour to walk around trying to get people to register to vote. Elon Musk recent offer of forty seven dollars to any person who is a registered voter, or any person who refers a person who is registered to vote, to sign a petition pledge to stand for freedom of speech and the second amendment tilts them as being the culprits. This offer is exclusively for the registered voters of what he termed battle ground states, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina.

Something of such a limited scope smacks of some sort of election interference going on. This is just another prime example of how seriously stupid they think people are. A person would have to be seriously hungry or fiending for their next fix not to stop and ask themselves why only registered voters and registered voters of limited states. If their convictions were of a honest nature, wouldn't they want to know the whole of the number of people across the united states who'd be willing to stand for their first and second amendment rights. Really when you get right down to it, what does it really establish even on a whole? Absolutely nothing, the petition in and of itself isn't going to accomplish any end goal of significance. It will forever be a meaningless piece of paper without substance linked to an objective end.

The only real purpose such a proposal serves is to show that individuals in those states reside there, are registered to vote and are alive and kicking living at the address given as close to the election as possible. All would be prerequisites to achieve as flawless as it could ascertain of an extensive inclusive voter fraud system. This is one step above having to go out on election day and offer up twenty dollar bills or gift cards to get those who normally don't vote to go vote and influence that vote while they are at it.


Same can be seen here in my state of the multitude of people they have out standing in plaza's and area businesses asking people if they are registered to vote. They are paying these people twenty seven fifty an hour to get people to register to vote. People with inquiring minds like myself simply couldn't resist the urge to stop and ask how many people a day do they get to sign up. I figured it had to be quite a few to justify having three people working the plaza where the secretary of state office was located, never mind even the curiosity as to why you'd have people working a plaza a few feet away from where people go in to do exactly that, they had both main entries to the plaza covered plus the front door to the secretary of states office. Why? It just doesn't make sense. On this particular day of my inquiry they had gotten ten people to register to vote. They paid six hundred sixty dollars total for three guys to work the plaza to gather ten signatures. My question posed was do you get a lot of people to register. The answer was a partial answer of many people don't understand.... He just stopped. Don't understand what? They have a right to register to vote? For the vast majority of Americans, registering to vote is one of those anticipated passages into adulthood. I don't think there is any misunderstanding about it. Over the course of the next three weeks I'd see two more people standing outside a local gas station in my neighborhood asking people if they were registered to vote, and two others on different days standing at a plaza located in a near by city. The oddity that the one guy stopped himself midsentence of saying "that many people don't understand", if he was being legit about what he was about to say, why not just say it. I didn't see the paperwork he had on his clipboard. Did it contain language you have to be a US citizen to vote. I don't know if they had to provide proof of identify, swear under oath, show citizenship papers or any other questions that the SOS ask when registering to vote.


What is the big deal wanting to pay people to scrounge around looking for those needles in the haystack that never bothered to register to vote. If you are building an extensive, inclusion voter fraud system, those are exactly the people you want registered to vote, people who never felt compelled a need to register. Maybe they aren't politically minded, maybe they don't really think it matters or changes a course in the overall scheme of things. Because they can also be verified as being a current resident living in the state close to the election, their signatures are just a bonus to boot. Now they can forge those signatures, which, by the way, signature verifications have been a big issue in the last couple elections with questions of the signatures not matching. Secretary of state public records shows people registered to vote, shows party affiliation, some provide if they've voted in the last election, but the one thing they don't provide is that voters signature or who or what party they voted for.


That brings me back to 2016 standing on my porch with my son who lived next door to me at the time. A guy approached him and asked him his name and if he was going to vote. My son was an infrequent, if ever at that point, had ever voted but he was registered. There was some slight discussion over who he intended to vote for if he was going to vote, which he turned to me and told the guy I was going to vote for Trump. (Which I'll never vote for a third time, nor the current occupants of the white house). The guy asked him to sign his name on a post card and when it got close to the election they'd send it back as a reminder to him. Funny part was he never asked me to sign a post card of reminder, nor any of the neighbors on my block. Instead he drove around the corner across the park from me and stopped at a house over there. I thought it was sort of odd, didn't appear to be a door to door get out the vote drive. I didn't think to much more about it until later on that day driving down a main street in my neighborhood when I saw him exit his car, cross the street and go up to a house in the middle of the block. It appeared he was specifically targeting certain addresses. My guess would be targeting infrequent voters or people who were registered who didn't bother voting. Now those individuals handed them their signature on a post card that my son can't recall if it ever did arrive.


There are a matrix of things that changed during the pandemic but none so flagrantly expanded and abused as the mail in ballots. If you have built or are building an intensive inclusive voter fraud system it has to be as seemly an operation as possible. Which is a near improbability, which is seen in "intensive inclusive" and terms spoken of "every vote is voted and counted" of Secretary of State Benson's, which reeks of as finally have found a solution to the individuals who just can't be compelled to vote. Like, for example, those they used to have to go out and bribe, now they can just take it upon themselves to vote for them. To get there first they have to build the system. You can't account for tens of millions of votes in a couple of days so you have to remove restrictions on who can use mail in ballots and increase the number of days individuals can vote prior to election day and the number of days votes can be counted after election day. That allows them to track and mark off a substantial amount of voters who have already voted prior to election day as having already voted. When election days rolls around the number of people who go vote on election day has been reduced substantially, leaving them running those who vote on election through the data base as having voted, leaving them with a list of those who didn't go vote at all. This leave them with that frustrating list of individuals who just didn't know what was in their best interest to vote, and now they can "inclusively" vote for them. Now with an established guideline of how they are going to run their extensive inclusive voter fraud system, next up would be to increase the voter rolls in a seamless fashion as possible to allow the capture of as many legal voters as can be found. They accomplish this goal by putting hot topic issues on the ballot(s) that would drawn even the most staunch anti-vote advocates, like legalization of marijuana and a women's right to an abortion. The types of things that were left off of ballots as it wasn't in individuals best interest of allowing self determination moved them forward in allowing them to make the best determinations for them in the future.

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It hasn't come without glitches in the system, signature matching and verification, people double voting in different states, so miraculously, unlike prior years, that which would ordinarily become an arguable position has now become an unarguable proposition, verification of the voter rolls by purging. Letters were sent out to people to verify their residency in the state if they hadn't voted in years, given so many months to reply back, if they didn't they were purged from the rolls as having either moved to another state or were deceased. Legal status to vote was questioned and asked for verification to vote legally leading to thousands of individuals being purged that weren't legally in the country. The vast majority had never voted in an election, and there wasn't any significant number of them that if they had, would have had an effect on a presidential outcome, maybe local elections, but on a federal level there was no proof of influence on a presidential election. That does lead to the curiosity how they managed to get on the rolls to begin with, in some instances, like shown above, maybe it goes back to the statement made by the petitioner above who said that some people don't understand before he cut himself off from finishing. Who really knows how they get there but there potential influence over local elections should be questioned and not seen as a no fault as many living in this country buy identifies of deceased individuals drivers licenses and social security numbers. That's a whole debate for another day and how illegal immigrants are used to label people conspiracy minded when it comes to voter fraud.

The heart of the matter is they used tactics to divide people, driven on individuals emotions to build an extensive inclusive legal registered voters base and tactics being used by Musk is part of fine tuning that system before an election. It's guaranteeing him those individuals currently reside in those states whether the intent is to vote for them if they don't vote, or even change up their votes, the individuals clamoring for forty seven dollars probably don't even care. The fact it's aimed at only registered voters in certain states reeks of some sort of attempt at election interference. It should be investigated. Same as with Robert Kennedy, he should be investigated for wanting to be removed from some ballots while remaining on other state ballots and asking those individuals to vote for him after he has done dropped out of the race. Why his campaign would even consider fighting to get on the New York state ballots is questionable also, the case should have been immediately asked for dismissal once he decided he wasn't going to stay in the running. It all reeks of election interference. There was a day in this country these types of things would have been immediately questioned and investigated. If all that wasn't bad enough, we have an ex-president in the running who advised people that by 2025 people won't even have to bother to vote anymore. The same man who says he will restrict mail in ballots if he is re-elected sending out flyers with his finger pointed at you advising you he needs you to vote early. The same individual sending out dozens of texts demanding to know if you are going to vote for him again. The same individual who has hired a squad of individuals to go out and hunt down two hundred to five hundred thousand people who have refused his request to acknowledge they will vote for him and find out what their status is concerning their support here in Michigan. The fact people aren't questioning these tactics, that these tactics aren't being investigated, all points to the final implementation of an intensive, inclusive voter fraud system, and chances are highly likely he is correct in advising individuals that this may be the last election you'll have to vote in again.