Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Unknown 2024 Election Variable: PLAUSIBILITY

We will be outlining some data and research analysis to help further spotlight the current dynamic.  In the interim there is value in considering one specific facet of the 2024 election mechanisms, PLAUSIBILITY.

There will be attempts to interject ballot fraud into the 2024 election, specifically from key regions which have increasingly been accepted as labeled, the Clyburn network.  For the activist leadership on the Obama/Clyburn side of the system, the issue of plausibility is a serious point of discussion.

They need the election outcome to remain close in the psyche of the American electorate.  Only if the election is proclaimed to be “close,” and only if the larger American electorate will accept that foundation, can those who are injecting fraudulent ballots continue to operate with success.  Discussion of factual realities that contrast that “close election” narrative generate high-velocity interest.  This CBS segment discussing Nevada is one of those viral moments.  WATCH: 

If you accept how the Obama/Clyburn system operates, and if you accept their need for a plausible election narrative, then you can also understand my concerns about the coziness of RFK Jr.

The potential influence of RFK Jr in the aftermath of the 2024 election, is directly related to my concern with James Clyburn’s ability to manufacture an implausible number of ballots.  Yes, I’m concerned that in the aftermath of very visible and consequential fraud, the RFK Jr message will be that the 2024 election outcome must be supported in order to retain American democracy.  At that point all those who have elevated Kennedy recently will have unwittingly facilitated his ability to control the outcome of the election. This risk forms the baseline for my concerns.

The more influence held by the RFK Jr contingent, the more possibility that post-election fraud can be shaped into a plausible narrative.

On the positive side of this election, it appears the DNC/Leftists are worried the scale of ballots needed will exceed their plausible ability.  Messaging like that CBS segment above highlight this issue for them.

In 2020 the ballot harvesters and scanners pushed the envelope (pun intended) of fraud.  It was intellectually impossible to believe Joe Biden carried more support amid Democrat-minded voters than Barack Obama; yet, that was exactly what they needed to push in order to emotionally create the 2020 illusion of plausibility.

In 2024 they would need to go even further for Kamala Harris, is that possible?  That’s the $64k question.

When you track the “sense of the nation” via visible and empirical (non-media) data, you consistently find yourself looking at a 4:1 ratio.  Roughly 20 to 25% of the nation support the hardline leftist policies and outcomes.  Yet, this noisy minority seemingly control a narrative that gives them the illusion of majority in the psyche of the American electorate.

The illusion of the minority is a frustrating dynamic to combat when the battleground of the information war is tilted by DHS/Big-Tech and all the social media platforms in their favor.

Spend time in combat within this information space, and you look upon the entry of RFK Jr differently.  Kennedy’s voice becomes a potential risk because there is a threat of his influence strategically tilting the outcome at the most crucial moment in the conflict.  I hope that makes sense.

As an outcome of this Obama/Clyburn ballot process, the key demographic that can influence their ability is the same demographic that supports it, urban black voters.  This is critical to understand because it sets the baseline for why Clyburn spends so much time policing the black voting constituents.

Via Politico – Vice President Kamala Harris outlined her vision for “hard work” in the future when she headlined a dinner at the 53rd Annual Legislative Conference hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington on Saturday — an allusion to the final campaign stretch that lies before her.

“The Congressional Black Caucus has served as the conscience of the Congress and of our nation, and as a proud former CBC member I know America relies on the leaders in this room not only for a conscience but for a vision,” Harris said in a nine-minute address before lawmakers, congressional staff and activists.

The hard work, which Harris also called joyous, starts with the vice president’s ability to make an effective policy pitch to Black voters — particularly those outside urban areas — and mobilize them to get to the polls in November. Driving up Black voter turnout is crucial to her chances of winning in swing states across the county.

“If we can get the turnout in rural Georgia, in rural North Carolina, rural Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where we’ve got sizable pockets of Black and brown voters, it puts less pressure on our urban areas, and it really allows us to run up these scores,” Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison told POLITICO earlier at CBC week. “It’s going to be the reason why Kamala Harris is going to be elected 47th president.” (read more)

If Team Clyburn loses a small percentage of black constituents, those they use to manipulate regional and precinct level election outcomes, then things get very problematic for them. Thus, we see the entire DNC machine focused intensely on this one segment of their base.

The need for compliant citizens in the outcome of manufactured elections is always a tenuous dynamic.  Unfortunately, we have the COVID-19 compliance rate to guide us in predictive analysis of 2024 election compliance.

On the other side of that review, we can see current empirical data which suggests a much greater awakening has shifted the fulcrum of “average knowledge” in our favor.   As a result, I am optimistic that as the Obama/Clyburn fist clenches even tighter, they will find their constituents leaking out between their fingers.