Saturday, September 14, 2024


Robert F Kennedy Jr’s former Vice-Presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, continues to finance and produce high quality video content intended to unite the Donald Trump and RFK Jr movements while persuading moderate democrats to join the assembly. [Source Link]

In this video Mrs Shanahan draws attention to the false and malicious narrative done by the hardwired leftists, communists and corporate financial groups who have Alinsky’d the MAGA movement for almost a decade.  It is a very well-done production intended to stimulate a deeper review by those who perhaps only pay slight attention to national politics.  WATCH:

The message is good.  The intent is good. The part of the Kennedy/Shanahan process that continues to befuddle me is not actually them.  Instead, it’s the DNC/MSM and left-wing corporate group’s silence about parts of this unity message they would normally jump on.

Normally, if the left considered a political effort a threat, they would deploy severe countermeasures against it.

Meaning, any slight or diminishment of candidate Donald Trump, real or imagined, by an incidental, off-color or poor judgement statement by Kennedy would normally be exploited by the professional Marxists.  However, when RFK Jr besmirches Donald Trump, the professional political leftists remain silent and do not exploit the opportunity.  This ‘absence of antagonism‘ is very unusual; as a consequence, I’m not quite sure how to evaluate it.

If you have watched USA politics closely since the rise of the Obama movement (circa 2006-ish), you will note their heavy emphasis on using the Alinsky tactics against their political enemies.  They always isolate, ridicule and marginalize (Alinsky Rule #6).

As the DNC, under the full operational control of the Obama network, use Alinsky attacks, the Republican wing traditionally enhance the attack using virtue as a weapon.  It’s normally a one-two punch.

The Democrat/Hollywood wing ridicules, isolates and marginalizes (ie “weird”)… then the Republican/Corporate wing comes in on their high-horse and affirms the ridicule (“wingnuts”).  This UniParty approach toward us as enemies has been consistent for almost two decades, and we all have “Tea Party” references for previous examples.

In this unification push, ie “Making America Great and Healthy Again,” RFK Jr is surprisingly the one political element the Democrats and Republicans have not exploited as an attack vector against President Trump.  [For example, when RFK Jr said President Trump’s behavior on January 6th was “reprehensible” (Tucker Carlson interview), the DC media collective stunningly ignored it.]

Perhaps the corporatist beneficiaries do not want to bring attention to the collaborative MAGA/MAHA unity effort. I’m genuinely unsure of the reason for their lack of action.  If that reason is accurate, this attention deficit would be the first time in modern political history when the UniParty did not attack middle America.

Here’s my Suspicious Cat worry….

[There’s a crew working diligently to identify and intercept sketchy ballot printing operations.] However, I fear the Obama/Clyburn network is willing to manufacture ballots at such a ridiculous scale the fraud therein will be obvious.   Then, at that key moment when the DNC/GOPe go fully into “secure and valid” election mode, suddenly the Shanahan/Kennedy voice will retreat from the fraudulent ballot fight and declare the results as legitimate.