Saturday, September 28, 2024

DOJ Releases Indictment of Three Iranian “Hackers” Who Targeted President Trump

In an almost identical replay to the 2016 election, Attorney General Merrick Garland held a press conference today to note the indictment of three Iranian suspects for hacking the Trump campaign and attempting to influence the 2024 election outcome.  [37-page-indictment pdf Here]

In 2016 the identified influence agents were from the nation of Russia. In 2024 the identified influence agents, Masoud Jalili, Seyyed Ali Aghamiri and Yasar Balaghi, are from the nation of Iran. All other aspects seemingly remain identical.

According to CBS, “The three defendants — identified in the indictment as Masoud Jalili, Seyyed Ali Aghamiri and Yasar Balaghi — are all members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Prosecutors said they executed a “wide-ranging hacking campaign that used spearphishing and social engineering techniques to target and compromise the accounts of current and former U.S. government officials, members of the media, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals associated with U.S. political campaigns.” (more)

The press conference announcement with Attorney General Merrick Garland is below: