Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why Should The Liberals Get Credit For ‘Fixing’ Problems They Created

 They seem unwilling to acknowledge that in democratic nations, incompetent governments are punished through defeat at the ballot box, rather than being given endless mulligans.

Liberal MP Randy Boissonault – not to be confused with “other Randy” – appears to believe the Liberals deserve credit for how they are handling problems with the temporary foreign workers program:

The problem here is that like everything else the Liberals say, it all falls apart when we look at the data.

Notice how Boissonnault is trying to get people to focus on actions taken by the government to respond to the unsustainable surge in temporary foreign workers, without acknowledging when that surge took place.

And, notice how he shares a clip of Pierre Poilievre without any timestamp or context.

There’s a good reason for that:

The Liberals are the ones who implemented the policy of rapidly expanding Canada’s temporary foreign worker intake:

Pierre Poilievre didn’t do this.

The Conservatives didn’t do this.

Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh did this.

The Liberals & NDP did this.

And now – having done serious economic damage to the country and having made the job market even more hostile for many Canadians (including many young Canadians struggling to find work), the Liberals now expect to get credit for taking some small steps to address a problem they created.

I don’t think so.

In democracies, governments don’t get endless chances to stay in power and win praise for fixing problems they caused. Instead, they are defeated and others are given the chance to govern.

Spencer Fernando