Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tim “Let it Burn” Walz is a Progressive Who Will Target White Midwesterners

Walz is a younger Bernie Sanders with a much more violent disposition behind that mask

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is most recently known for his support of the George Floyd riots and his decisions to keep law enforcement away from the rioting cities in order to give the BLM thugs space to loot and destroy.

Governor Walz is one of the key types of racially selected useful tools for the advancement of wokeism, racism and cultural Marxism.

Yep, Tim Walz is the progressive nose under the tent of the constitutional republic, and just like a slick southern preacher – he knows how to best ply his trade.  All things considered around Kamala ‘Brat’ Harris, Walz is a smart choice by Barack Obama.

(via Politico) – Kamala Harris will name Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, according to three people familiar with the decision granted anonymity because the announcement is not yet public.

By choosing Walz, Harris is elevating a Midwestern governor, veteran and former schoolteacher to help shore up support among blue-collar, white voters in the Rust Belt.

Walz, 60, led a progressive overhaul of Minnesota during his second term as governor, when Democrats took full control of state government in 2023 — a template for what Democrats hope to do nationally.

[…] During his first term as governor, Walz confronted two major challenges: George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis and the coronavirus pandemic. He faced criticism in his handling of both crises, including failing to deploy the state’s National Guard sooner to respond to the Floyd protests that set a police precinct ablaze and prolonged school closures during the pandemic. Republicans have already signaled that they plan to use Walz’s response to the pandemic against him. (read more)

A point for emphasis. Remember what we have learned about the left and right wing of the UniParty, specifically about the distinction between the two wings of the political apparatus (private clubs):

• Democrats care about power. Republicans care about money.

• Democrats use money to get power. Republicans use power to get money.

• The ideology of Democrats drives their donors. The donors of Republicans drive their ideology.

Outside DC and the RNC/DNC federal activity – Within the political apparatus the Republican Governors Association (RGA) and the Democrat Governors Association (DGA) are the two institutional points that leverage the private sector to drive state power structures.  [Ex. when the Sea Island team is assembling and coordinating their financial control operation, they go to the DGA/RGA to execute their plans.]

The current head of the DGA is…. wait for it…. Tim Walz.

Walz is a younger Bernie Sanders with a much more violent disposition behind that mask.
