Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This NYT Headline Captures the Larger Liberal Media Reaction to the Biden Impeachment Report

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

President Joe Biden has been cited for committing impeachable offenses that defrauded the United States and the American public stemming from his operations with his son, Hunter, regarding their government access for cash scheme. Millions of dollars were funneled to the Biden family or through family members and other associates in the form of a network of shell companies. The cash the family received from Romanian officials was distributed through such a system. As Leah covered this morning, the 292-page report from House Republicans lays out the case against the president, who quit his re-election campaign on July 21. (via Fox News): 

President Biden engaged in "impeachable conduct," House Republicans found in their months-long impeachment inquiry, declaring in their highly anticipated report that he "abused his office" and "defrauded the United States to enrich his family." 


The committees said the Biden family and its associates received more than $27 million from foreign individuals or entities since 2014. 

They also alleged that the Biden family leveraged Biden’s position as vice president to obtain more than $8 million in loans from Democrat benefactors. The loans "have not been repaid and the paperwork supporting many of the loans does not exist and has not been produced to the committees." 

The Republicans said the conspiracy took place while Biden was serving as vice president. 

"As Vice President, President Biden actively participated in his conspiracy by, among other things, attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when being placed on speakerphone by Hunter Biden," the report states. 


"Several witnesses testified that Hunter Biden invoked his father in business dealings with Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian companies, resulting in millions of dollars flowing to the Biden family," the report states. 

"President Biden’s participation in this conspiracy to enrich his family constitutes as impeachable conduct," they said. "By monetizing the Vice Presidency for his family’s benefit, he abused his office of public trust, placing the welfare of his family ahead of the welfare of the United States."

Republicans added, "He also put foreign interests ahead of the interests of the American people."

Meanwhile, Republicans in their report also said Biden used his official position to "conceal his mishandling of classified information as a private citizen."

The media will likely say there’s no proof—the same media who said Hunter Biden’s laptop, which provided the blueprints for this operation, was fake and a piece of Russian disinformation. The New York Times' headline couldn't be more indicative of the larger media reaction to this report: "House G.O.P. Makes Impeachment Case Against Biden Without Proof of Crime."

House Republicans on Monday formally made the case for impeaching President Biden, releasing a lengthy report accusing him of corruption and seeking to allow his family to profit off his office in connection with foreign business deals made by his son Hunter, who has been charged with felony tax crimes.

In the 291-page document, released on the day that Democrats gather in Chicago to begin their party convention, Republicans call Mr. Biden’s conduct “egregious” and say he should be impeached for abuse of power and obstruction. But the report contains no proof that Mr. Biden, when he was vice president, engaged in any corrupt quid pro quo to benefit his son’s business partners, and Republicans admit they have no direct evidence that he ordered any interference into a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden.


The Bidens and several of their business associates have repeatedly denied that Mr. Biden was involved in his son’s businesses, despite the efforts of some business partners to cut him into deals after he left the vice presidency.

The family and their associates denied: Well, that settles it then, right? If this is to be believed, then the Kennedys were an upstanding family that had zero skeletons in the closet, who never engaged in negligent homicide or marital infidelities. Also, OJ Simpson didn't do it. 

The publication has reported on how Hunter put his $50,000/month fee sitting on Burisma’s board to good use, which so happen to be released when Biden quit the race: 

Hunter Biden sought assistance from the U.S. government for a potentially lucrative energy project in Italy while his father was vice president, according to newly released records and interviews. 

The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.

Embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with the request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company. 

“I want to be careful about promising too much,” wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome who was tasked with responding. 

And let’s not forget that Joe Biden got the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired in 2014 in return for foreign aid. Hunter was on that board for government access and legal protections—they got both. Also, this is the story that Trump wanted to know more in better detail during his presidency and got impeached for it. It’s now in The New York Times; he’s vindicated again.