Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Stage Disassembly at the White House?

It has been a while since the people running the Biden administration have used the stage set they constructed at the beginning of Joe Biden’s installment.

Factually, no one ever explained why the people controlling Joe Biden went to all the trouble to construct a completely fake Oval Office and White House set in the Eisenhower office building.  Everyone just seemed to accept the stage and subsequent performances as if they were some type of ordinary communications choices.  The acceptance always struck me as very odd. I digress.

Today, it is noted that a U-Haul truck appears at the White House, oddly timed to coincide with Joe Biden giving his farewell address to the DNC convention audience in Chicago.  The accompanying notation with the picture says, “NEW: U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden’s planned “farewell” address to the DNC. Are they finally giving Biden the permanent boot?

The fact that a U-Haul is used just seems strange to me, considering that the White House could use any packing, shipping and/or secure transport company they wanted. It’s not like costs are an issue; so, why use a U-Haul?

Everything these people do appears weird to me.  I know I’m not the only person who sees it.

Often, I just have to walk around a little bit, reconnect to the reality of life as it exists in the physical world separate from the manipulations of men.  It seems like an odd thing to say, but outside the USA this weird mind virus of pretending is not as rampant as it is within our borders.  A great deal of the world’s population looks at us now and wonders what happened.

God is in control, and ultimately, He is the source of the purest truth.

All of this Biden/Harris stuff is physically, psychologically and emotionally manufactured pretense from the minds of people who are genuinely odd characters.

There are millions of people infected with this pretending stuff, try not to be one of them.

Perhaps it is not easy for many people who are online a lot, but everyone should try to stay connected to reality and remind yourself that behind all of this internet drama, there are resources, bots and data processing programs created to give the illusion of something that does not exist.

Remind yourself that the same people who told you Joe Biden was cognitively fit, until he wasn’t, actually created a stage for the office of the President of The United States of America – as part of their pretending operation.

It’s all just goofy.  Don’t be ashamed to say that!