Friday, August 16, 2024

Robert Kennedy Jr Today Denies what Robert Kennedy Jr said Yesterday

This guy is as sketchy as it gets. Robert F Kennedy Jr is now denying his outreach to Kamala Harris. However, both RFK Jr and his campaign previously admitted the outreach to three separate media outlets. [NYTCNNCBS].

RFK Jr is desperately trying to clean up the damage he created, just like he desperately tried to clean up the damage from his recording then leaking the phone call with President Trump.

WaPo – […] “After the initial publication of this story late Wednesday, Kennedy and his campaign confirmed the outreach to Harris to other news organizations [NYTCNNCBS]. On Thursday morning, however, he dismissed the idea of endorsing Harris in a social media post.” (more)

Here’s the denial of Robert Kennedy Jr (today), that comes after Robert Kennedy Jr previously confirmed the attribution to other outlets (last night).


Yesterday, Robert Kennedy Jr said he reached out to the Kamala Harris campaign.

Today, realizing that core story essentially destroys his credibility, usefulness within the IC operation around him, Robert Kennedy Jr denies reaching out to the Kamala Harris campaign.

Let all of this soak in, because we rarely get to see this level of obtuse dissonance happening in real time.  This is what happens within Intelligence Operations that are carried out through the media.

Everything around RFK Jr is designed to hurt Donald Trump and elevate the non-Trump status quo within politics.  Some people are really gullible for it (Team Flynn and Team DeSantis supporters specifically); however, I am cautiously optimistic that more people are awake and able to see it now as it unfolds.

Remember what I was saying about the specific trait of “judgement.”


Supporting RFK JR is supporting the alliance of interests against Donald Trump.

Pulling RFK Jr into the orbit of Donald J Trump in 2024 is akin to pulling back Mike Pence.

It truly is remarkable to see people defending Robert F Kennedy Jr, and even contemplating bringing RFK JR into the President Trump orbit.

Perhaps now with this example people can understand why I refused to talk about future personnel staffing at the White House for so long.  I’m just out here scouting the landscape and sending back information people do not want to know, because they don’t know what to do with it.

Most people, and this includes a stunning number of people in positions of authority and influence, just do not understand the depth of the corruption around them.  Even more will walk toward curiously toward the gallows wondering what that old wooden thing is with the hole that says. “put your head right here.”   If you doubt me on this, just look at the MAGA voices who support RFK Jr, it’s crazy.