Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kamala Harris Segment – Everything About This is a Lie

FIRST – When someone says, “to be honest with you” – they are admitting their predisposition to be a liar.   Why?  Because in direct and truthful communication there is no reason to quantify the truthfulness of your statement.

Saying, “to be honest with you,” directly infers that a persons’ statements can, or cannot be, truthful.  The statements are positional depending on the intentions of the speaker.   In summary, anyone who says “to be honest with you” is very familiar being dishonest in their speaking.

SECOND – Notice when Kamala Harris explains her thoughts, her thinking, at the time when Joe Biden informed her, he was going to drop out of the race.  Notice that nowhere in her thought process, or the thought process of Biden as Harris describes it, is any consideration to the “voters” within her frame of reference or mindset.

As she self describes the events, Kamala Harris never gave a second thought to the Democrat voters in the primary when Joe Biden told her he was dropping out of the race.  Her only thoughts were of Joe Biden and herself.   This is how she would lead the nation.  WATCH:

Now we know why Brian Fallon did not want Kamala talking.