Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democrats Try on 'Freedom'—but It Doesn't Fit

Democrats appear to be trying several different strategies to ensure Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the next president in 2024.

From the dubious tactic of labeling their opposition as “weird” to trying to repeat the word “joyful” over and over again, it is clear that they realize running on policy is not going to help them win in November.

Now, it appears the left has launched another initiative: Taking the word “freedom” from Republicans. In a Friday op-ed, Washington Post columnist Amanda Katz claims the Democrats have successfully “snatched” the term back from “Trump and the Republicans.”

The author starts off by claiming the term was traditionally used to describe progressive ideology seeking to uphold “opportunities and rights for a growing range of Americans.” She then points out that freedom has also been seen as a way of pushing back against expanding the government, “casting it as an imposition by government against an older libertarian, imperialist, pro-Christian way of life to which we needed to return.”

Katz describes how during “patriotic rallying that followed 9/11, freedom became a ‘frame’ … a metaphor that shapes how we think about things – associated primarily with conservatives.”

As examples, she gives the moniker "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to describe the war against Iraq and the invention of “freedom fries” to mock the French for opposing the invasion. She mentions the Freedom Caucus in Congress as well.

Katz then highlighted that “since Biden stepped aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris — incredibly, just over a month ago — ‘freedom’ has come roaring back into fashion for Democrats, part of what seems to be a wholesale renovation of the party’s persuasive language.”

A Post analysis found that on the first night of the Democratic National Convention alone, speakers referenced “freedom” more than 100 times — and that was before they got to Wednesday night, billed as “A Fight for our Freedoms.” The Harris campaign received the gift from Beyoncé of a banger of an anthem called “Freedom,” whose defiant refrain is now heard in ads and rallies: “I’m a keep running, ’cause a winner don’t quit on themselves.” That traditional, progressive vision of freedom, it seems, is back in style.

Then, Katz devolves into a level of delusion that is hard to describe.

Why is this resonating? One reason is what’s on the other side. With decidedly restrictive Republican measures proliferating — bans on emergency abortion care, censorship of topics and books in schools, proposed political loyalty tests for federal bureaucrats, support for autocrats abroad, “Mass Deportation Now!” signs at their convention — the Trump campaign is having a harder time arguing that what they’re proposing is, in fact, freedom. American voters, with their attachment to their votes actually being counted, were mostly not fans of Trump’s refusal to accept election results in 2020 or a potential second loss in 2024. To many, Trump doesn’t sound like an avatar of liberty or self-determination. He sounds like an autocrat.

The author points to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s statement during a recent speech in which he said: “Mind your own damn business!” and paints this as “a cry for privacy, historically a priority of freedom-minded, small-government Republicans.”

It was a valiant effort on Katz’s part to pretend that Democrats are somehow embracing the idea of “freedom.” But the facts say something dramatically different. Democrats, in their unending quest to expand the government into an even more bloated authoritarian juggernaut, have shown that “freedom” is the last thing on their minds.

Remember how President Joe Biden and his merry band of Democrats in Congress sought to ban menthol cigarettes? The plan was later delayed and is now sitting in legislative purgatory. But these people actually tried to impose a federal law that would prevent people from using menthol tobacco products. How can a party claim to value freedom support using the force of government to dictate what people are allowed to put into their bodies?

Even more recently, Harris vowed to enact price controls on food companies if she is elected. This move is ostensibly aimed at preventing “price gouging.” This policy was even too authoritarian for many on the left, who criticized the proposal.

What about Democrats’ attack on independent contractors, an issue RedState has covered extensively over recent years? The Department of Labor issued a rule that took effect in March 2024 that makes it harder for workers to be categorized as independent contractors rather than employees. Apparently, “freedom” means allowing the government to dictate how people choose to work.

Of course, there is also the fact that Democrats love the idea of continually raising taxes on everyone (not just wealthy people) to give the state more power to provide for us. Nothing says “freedom” like enabling the state to steal more money from the people, does it?

Democrats also adore regulations on business – especially the type that make it harder for small companies to thrive. Apparently, making it harder for enterprising Americans to start flourishing businesses is the very epitome of “freedom.”

But perhaps I’m being a bit harsh. There is at least one area in which Democrats do not want government involvement: Abortion. The only freedom these people want to protect is the freedom to kill babies in the womb.

Of course, one could also have valid criticisms of the Republican Party when it comes to preserving freedom. But the notion that Democratic policies are somehow aimed at making us a freer society is laughable by any stretch of the imagination. So far, they are the primary force seeking to give the government more power to meddle in our lives, which is the very antithesis of freedom.