Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Trump "New Normal" Rally Camping Participation, I'll Give You A Hint: No Need To RSVP

 Trump Supporters queue for hours in preparation for Trump rally |

Supporters in line days before Trumps Grand Rapids rally

Better hurry, space is filling up fast in the overnight camping area of the Van Andel Arena in downtown Grand Rapids Michigan in anticipation of Trump's rally, Saturday.  

The video in the article the news anchor asks the reporter how many people you think are there right now.  The reporter responded about two dozen people are here right now.  She says I am going to turn around and give you the view, while remarking that it doesn't look like much, but people are sitting down.  

Can you imagine having shown up on Thursday only to find yourself asking what the rush was about.  I don't know what the best question to ask yourself would be.  "Where'd everybody go" or "When is everybody getting here".  

This isn't 2020 anymore, peeps, it's 2024, and the only people showing up at a Trump rally two days early now a days, are severely suffering from Trump Obsessive Syndrome

I am sure thousands will show up, it just won't be the tens of thousands from the past.  Trump's big, beautiful vaccines probably took care of a good chunk of them, and the rest finally wised up.  No worries though, I fully intent to go down there tomorrow and document any "overflow" capacity that doesn't get in, or none that exist thereof.  I'll be back, with 2020 before and 2024 after pictures!  I know you can hardly wait!