Monday, July 1, 2024

The Debate Debacle Changes Nothing

I had resolved not to watch last Thursday night’s debate because I didn’t think it would change anything, and I was right to the extent that it didn’t change anything for me. I already knew President Crusty was a sundowning desiccated old weirdo. But it changed things for people who were on the fence or not paying attention. That’s not going to matter, though. Joe Biden is not going anywhere. 

The fact is that Joe Biden is the nominee, and he will remain the nominee. By the next morning, the rallying and rationalization were in full effect. Obama tweeted about how it’s all going to be OK. So did many others after the deathwatch that was the immediate post-debate analysis on the communist channels. And they believe their revised spin. It’s remarkable how easily you can convince yourself of what you want to be convinced of. Denial is not just a river in Egypt; it’s now the official Democrat campaign strategy.

What choice do they have? The Geezer Golem is not going anywhere. Here’s the thing – Joe Biden doesn’t think he did badly. Joe Biden thinks he did great. The people around him are all telling him he did great, starting with his harridan wife. This echo chamber of idiocy reinforces his determination that he is a visionary megamind whose presence blesses the benighted American people. He thinks he’s a genius. In fact, Joe Biden is an idiot and has always been an idiot. And it’s all downhill on the IQ Bell Curve from here.

Don’t bother appealing to his better nature. He never had one and won’t get one now. No one will convince him to look at his deteriorating electoral prospects objectively and sacrifice his ambitions for the “greater good.” To Joe Biden, he is the greater good.

Crusty has the delegates to win the nomination. They won’t go away simply because his terrible debate performance showed him to be a decrepit, sundowning weirdo. Nope, they are still in his pocket, and he will use them. Until Obama threw in behind him, there was a chance that delegations of respected Democrats (sic) would come to the Oval Office to plead with him that he needed to drop out for the good of the party. Without the Big O pushing it, that will never happen. But even if it did, Biden would reject their entreaties – especially from Obama. This is a guy who still looks at Obama, a one-term senator with a fraction of his experience before picking Joe as a vice president to reassure the normals back in 2008, as an uppity interloper who cut in line ahead of him and had the temerity to treat His Bidenness as an inferior. 

Of course, that is based on Joe’s manifest inferiority, but no matter. You have a narcissist’s wounded ego at play, and he will never back down. For years, Barack Obama has run down Joe Biden privately and humiliated him in public, including by guiding him off-stage at that Hollywood fundraiser like the President was a short bus-riding toddler. Joe Biden hates the idea that people think he is being controlled by Barack Obama from behind the curtain.

It’s ego, combined with stupidity and senility, and that is quite a combination. Add to that the fact that Very Real Doctor Jill Biden and a whole bunch of straphangers depend on Joe Biden being President for their position, power, and prestige. They don’t want to go anywhere either. They have no choice but to play this out. It’s not like they can go get real jobs.

So, Biden has rejected the calls that he drop out and the regime media obediently came around. What can they do? Rationalization. They have started to rationalize that his debate wasn’t really that bad. Joe had a cold. How about that stutter? You know, Trump is a big liar. Emotions and passions settled, and they told themselves that this really wasn’t the total disaster that everyone admitted it was the night of the debacle.

They are telling themselves – and us – that it really wasn’t that bad. But it was that bad because this was the one time that normal people paid attention. Folks like us watch this stuff 24/7. We knew long ago that Joe Biden was a mere husk of a man. We’ve watched videos of him stumbling and stagger around for the last few years. None of this was a surprise to us. It simply reconfirmed what we already knew. But normal people are different. Normal people were not paying attention before the debate. They sensed that Joe Biden was old, but lots of people are old. Trump is kind of old, but he seems fine, right? 

And then we have this debate, and now normal people are paying attention and holy cow! They see that the regime media and the administration have been lying because this guy is not well. This guy puts the crepit in decrepit. He’s a mess and there’s no covering it up. Even the regime media had to admit it, at least for the first few painful hours. Now they are back to cheerleading the star of America’s real-life “Weekend At Bernie’s” reboot. The image of this guy senile cretin is stamped onto the electorate’s collective consciousness. Watch for his polls to plunge – if they poll it. 

Leftists would prefer a senile leftist to a competent, capable conservative, but what are they going to do? Ol’ Daddyshowers won’t go voluntarily, and they can’t force him out. But even if he agreed to cancel his cantankerous candidacy, what would they do? Who are they going to put in? Kamala Harris? They have to – she’s a woman-identifying being of color. How do you step over her for pallor penis-person Governor Gavin Hairstyle? Maybe they could pick Gretchen Whitmer, that frigid Karen from Michigan, and let the shrill white lady come along to save us from the failed black woman. That’s an image they just can’t have. 

And no, Michelle Obama will not drop in like the 82nd Airborne to save the day. She doesn’t want to be President, and frankly, she’s not that good. There’s this image of her as somehow beloved, a figure like Oprah, but who digs her who isn’t already in the bag for Biden? She’s tiresome, entitled, and she can barely conceal her contempt for her fellow Americans, among other things. Can you imagine her on that debate stage? She’s unimpressive and annoying. And as for all of these post-Biden options, how would any of them distinguish what he/she/xe would do from what Joe Biden would do? Which one closes the border? Helps Israel? Tells the trans perverts to shut their traps? “All the failure of the Biden years, just without Joe Biden!” is hardly an inspirational slogan.

It won’t happen. There are no more smoke-filled rooms where party potentates dictate who gets to be President this time. The Democrats decided to democratize their primary nominating system and, well, it worked. They’re stuck with Dementia Boy. Heck, they must officially nominate him by August 7th or no Democrat gets on the Ohio ballot. It’s just too late to do anything else, even if Joe Biden was inclined to quit for the good of the party and the country. But he is not inclined as Joe Biden has never done anything for anyone who wasn’t named “Biden.” He will never sacrifice his ego for an abstract notion of party loyalty or patriotism. Nope, the Democrats are stuck. And it is hilarious.