Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Biden Family Fighting the DNC Apparatus to Remain in Power…

…. That’s the essential message coming from the latest developments per the framework pushed by the professionally democrat.

The Washington Post (CIA/IC) frames the battle of the selfish Biden family against the goals of an altruistic DNC corporation (Obama/Pelosi). The wounds being suffered by the magnanimous heir apparent Kamala are unfair; at least, that’s the useful presentation for those who control the left-wing of the club.

Joe Biden is essentially, at his core, the purist manifestation of a Democrat. The internecine battle underway was created by the Corporation putting one of their toxic generals in charge of the organization.

In the foreign version of the same dynamic, the same people once installed Mohamed Morsi as the President of Egypt. However, when the blood began flowing on the streets, they didn’t have to worry about it because it was over there.

In the domestic version, they want the creep they installed gone now, but he ain’t leaving. Not without a fight, or a bottomless treasury, whichever comes first. So, it’s a matter of terms; with shouts and positions ongoing.

WASHINGTON – […] The family’s anger is driven in part by a conviction that Biden could have moved beyond a bad performance in a 90-minute debate if so many Democrats had not immediately joined forces against him. They have come to view the past few weeks as a Game of Thrones-style war among various factions of the party, with the loudest calling on him to depart coming from those he has fought against in previous battles. The tone some in the party are taking in their effort to push him out has only stiffened Biden’s resolve to stay in, they say.

“It’s like they don’t know he’s Irish,” said one person close to the family.

The most striking development in this private world may be the return of Hunter Biden to a central, supporting role, just weeks after his criminal trial made him a source of personal worry and political peril.

[…] Biden remains certain he is the party’s best option, according to those close to the family, and they support him in that. But they also recognize that things can change quickly in politics and that Biden could be 100 percent in until he’s 100 percent out.

[…] But if Biden pulled out and Trump were to win, some family members worry that he would use the Justice Department to target Hunter.

[…] In recent days, those close to the family have become more combative as a growing number of Democrats have publicly called for him to step aside. If Biden gets out, they say, he should make the decision based on his own political gut and not because of external pressures from figures such as George Clooney, former president Barack Obama or former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Still, those in the family orbit say Biden’s relatives are not oblivious to the storms roaring around him, making the days ahead, even for them, difficult to predict.

“They are not in a bubble. They don’t have their head in the sand,” one person close to the family said. “They’ve been very clear-eyed about this from the beginning. And that has continued.” (read more)

We keep watching.

Remember, it was ALWAYS going to be this way.

(VIA NBC) – More than four dozen former foreign and U.S. national security officials called on Biden to drop out of the presidential race today.

“We write as former U.S. officials who have strongly supported your presidency and your initiatives to strengthen U.S. foreign and national security policy,” they wrote in a letter. “We have welcomed the measures you have taken to promote U.S. alliances in Europe, Asia, and the Americas; to manage relations with great powers; and to address global issues such as climate change. These initiatives have been built on your decades-long record of support for responsible U.S. international engagement.”

“We strongly believe that now is the time to pass the mantle of leadership, and we respectfully urge you to do so,” they wrote to Biden.

Among the signatories are Richard Clarke, former national coordinator for security and counterterrorism, and Anthony Lake, who served as national security adviser to President Bill Clinton. (read more)

Joe Biden is not coming out of the Chicago convention as the nominee.

Joe Biden was never going to come out of the Chicago convention as the nominee.

Quit pretending.

Enjoy the show.