Thursday, July 18, 2024

REPORT: Biden Asking Advisers If Kamala Can Win

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

CNN is now reporting that Joe Biden is "more receptive" to conversations about him stepping down from the campaign, and that he is specifically asking advisers if they think that Kamala Harris, his Vice President, could win.

Biden has spent the last few weeks making it clear that he is running and has no intention of stepping aside, but the latest reporting is showing that Democrats are increasing their calls for him to pass the torch.

The news follows reports from yesterday and this morning that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer paid a visit to Biden at his home in Delaware recently to make the case.

The calls for Biden to step aside are growing, but the Democrats are still unsettled as to who they want to replace him. However, Biden appears to be loyal to his vice president and wants her to succeed him. 

But Democratic strategists are polling other candidates, like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Democratic pollsters are presenting data showing Kamala is one of the weakest replacements for Biden at this time.