Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Little Phrase Showed Trump Is Just Too Much for Kamala Harris to Handle

No matter what side you fall on, everyone can admit that Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump, is a master at manipulating the feelings and emotions of his opponent. He knows how to put them on the back foot and reacting to him, not the other way around. 

But this doesn't just apply to his political opponent directly. He's also very good at getting the media and entire political organizations to react, oftentimes to his benefit. 

The hilarious part is that, oftentimes, all Trump has to do... is nothing. He has the left so rabid that appearing on-screen is enough to send them into uncontrollable rages that make them say and do very stupid things. Sometimes, all Trump has to do is utter a phrase here or a word there, and his enemies will overreact. 

A lot is made about how the DNC controls everything within the Democrat Party so hardcore that they don't even allow for conventions to be held, but I'd argue no one controls the Democrat Party quite like Trump does. He owns their emotions with little to no effort. 

And I think he just did it again. 

Trump's campaign released a statement effectively saying that he will worry about scheduling debates when the DNC has actually decided on who their candidate is going to be. 


You can ignore most of what was written in the statement and focus on the very last sentence. 

"It would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because the Democrats very well could still change their minds." 

With one little sentence, Trump highlighted one of Harris's biggest anchors dragging her down. The Democrat Party isn't sure about her. She's not the ideal candidate. There are quite a few Democrats who really would rather the DNC go with someone else. Yet, the hype is already happening around Harris from the media and various organizations. They're tentatively shoving their chips in on Harris, cringing as they do. 

Trump effectively told the DNC that he's not taking her seriously because everyone can see that even they aren't taking her seriously. 

This is going to have a demoralizing effect on both the DNC and Democrat voters. Guaranteed. I can't see it having a positive effect on Harris herself, either. 

The lack of positivity around Harris isn't even hidden. As RedState reported on Friday, even Democrat strategist James Carville is warning everyone to settle down about Harris because the hits are about to come, and they won't stop either: 

Right now, she’s doing well, very well. This is the best day that she’s going to have for the rest of the campaign — they’re coming. They were hit real bad, they were confused, but they’re getting un-confused now and Democrats have got to get ready. 

Well, here was the Trump campaign's first hit. It was to effectively dismiss Harris as a serious candidate. He told the DNC to get it together and figure out who it's going to be because no one truly considers it to be her, not even them. 

Again, they'll likely buckle down on Harris. Not doing so would make the Democrat Party look even more unstable than they are, but even when they do, I think Trump will continue with the same line of attack. She's a featherweight in the ring with a heavyweight, and she doesn't stand a chance. While this may sound like prideful nonsense in any other context, with Trump, it's pretty clear that this is just the brutal truth.