Friday, July 5, 2024

It was their final, most essential command

You are never, ever the good guy if you are for suffocating speech. Ever.

In order for what follows to make sense, we all need to stipulate this point.  Especially when you are being told to reject the evidence of your own eyes and ears and believe the lies you are being told.

History has proven it true:  if the people in power want to censor, punish, limit speech, they are always the bad guys.  Always.  There are simply no exceptions to this rule. In the 2,000 years of man being upright and organized into groups with a leader, however primitive, if the leader of the group wants to keep you from voicing an opinion, he’s a bad guy. Full stop. Period. No exceptions.  Free speech, like liberty writ large, is “the soul’s right to breathe,” as Henry Ward Beecher said.

So when I read in a July 1st Axios article that point four of Team Biden’s survival strategy was to “limit dissent” that caught my notice.

The Axios passage reads:

Limit dissent. Biden allies helped orchestrate the supportive tweets by former Presidents Clinton and Obama. Those happened after furious back-channeling by allies. Truth is, that was the easy part.

I doubt many of us are surprised, but to see it so plainly, well, they’re not even hiding it anymore. We see it as plainly as we see Joe Biden’s obvious physical and mental infirmities.

“Limit dissent”? From whom? Well, we’re reading from many sources that it’s a comprehensive Team Biden doctrine. Multiple legacy media sources are reporting: Jill Biden is shielding Joe Biden from anyone who might suggest he step aside. The Biden campaign is working the phones to keep Hill Democrats from saying anything about stepping aside publicly, even though many have said or implied exactly that privately.  And the Biden White House?  White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre hadn’t had a briefing in weeks and it took the better part of one of those weeks post-debate to get her behind the podium, finally, a few days ago.

According to Axios“a massive political, PR and personal campaign is underway to reject calls for President Biden to drop his re-election race. …They’re unleashing the full power of the White House and top Democrats to resist the loud calls for him to give up the race.”

The article even tells you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears and “just believe” the good stuff they are telling you, as they try mightily to limit the bad. 

That’s the plan:

The bottom line: Biden's camp believes voters will give more weight to Biden's judgment and record than to his grandpa gait or fading debate dexterity. It's one of the greatest gambles in the history of politics. Once again, Biden's team is telling Democratic voters: You just have to believe.

“You just have to believe”? What? Your lying eyes? Your lying ears?

We are truly in Orwellian territory here.  Not even figuratively. Literally.  Team Biden’s “bottom line” might as well have been plagiarized. (It’s not like it would be the first time for Joe.)

From George Orwell’s book “1984”:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

I mean … We’re over the rainbow here.  Click your heels and get back to Kansas, America.  Back where things are real, if you’re not already there, because this?  

This is Crazytown.