Monday, July 1, 2024

French Nationalists Poised for Big Gains – Macron Will Likely Now Deploy “Operation Chaos” for Second Round

French President Emmanuel Macron has not outlasted every other EU leader without having a Pelosian cunning streak.  Macron knows exactly what he is doing, and undoubtedly USAID/CIA operative Samantha Power is there in the background helping him execute it.

In the first round of the SNAP election, opposition leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party has made huge strides in becoming the predominant force in French politics.   The National Rally gains around 34% of the seats, the left-wing Alliance party gets 28% of the seats, and Macron’s centrist party will suffer major loses with only 20% of the seats.

The top two candidates will now head to the second round, where Macron -who still has 3 years on his term- will deploy “operation chaos”.

Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.

[Remember the Alaska primary?]  This two-round approach was the insurance policy Macron had built into his call for the snap election.

The Nationalists will act flummoxed, stunned, jaw-agape, just like good little French Republicans.  The French people will wonder what happened just like American conservatives.  Wash – Rinse- Repeat.

PARIS — France on Sunday took a step closer to delivering what was once seen as an unthinkable nightmare: a far-right government taking power in Paris for the first time.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally made big gains in the first round of a snap election that could upend political orthodoxy across Europe and beyond, with implications for markets and global security that will be hard to predict.

According to early estimates by pollsters Ipsos, the far-right National Rally is on course to win 34 percent of Sunday’s vote while French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance suffered staggering losses, coming third with 20.3 percent of vote. The left-wing alliance made a strong showing with 28.1 percent of the vote.

“The French people have shown that they want to draw a line under seven years of [Macron’s] disdainful rule,” said Le Pen, speaking at a party event in the Eastern French town of Hénin-Beaumont. “We haven’t won yet, the second round will be crucial … we need an absolute majority so that Jordan Bardella, in eight days, can be appointed prime minister by Emmanuel Macron,” she added.

According to early projections based on exit polls, Le Pen’s party is expected to get 230-280 seats in the 577-seat national assembly, the left wing alliance 125-165 seats and Macron’s coalition 70-100.

Seat projections however are conjectural at this stage and dependent on political decisions taken in the coming days ahead of the second round of voting on July 7. Macron himself is due to stay in power until the end of his mandate in 2027, regardless of the outcome of this assembly election. (read more)

The two-round election is similar to the “ranked choice” approach in Alaska.  Seat projections are estimates, because the voters for the losing centrist candidates now will have a choice between the far-left and far-right.  Macron will cut deals with the socialists and instruct his team to vote left.

The far-right will stomp their feet like Republicans in Congress.  The National Rally party will demand reform like Republicans in Congress, and in the end, they will generally support the collective globalist goals of the Macron regime.  Again, just like Republicans in Congress.


There are billions at stake.

Macron isn’t stupid.