Monday, July 8, 2024

Dems Predict 'Shit Is Going to Hit the Fan' As They Plan to Push Biden Out

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The Democratic Party is in total chaos after President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance,  leading the party to panic just four months before the November election. 

As Biden continues to defy the country, saying that only God himself can convince the president to drop out of the race, Democrats are hellbent on pushing him out by the end of this week. 

Democrats can no longer turn a blind eye to Biden’s ailing health after several of his last public appearances shed light on his cognitive decline. 

Big-time donors have echoed similar sentiments, threatening to withhold funding until the 81-year-old president is no longer in the running.  

“The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday when Congress returns," a House Democrat told Axios. "People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy.”

“Every single person not named Biden," or paid by the president, knows how screwed the Democratic Party is if Biden does not drop out of the race, a top Democratic operative told the outlet. 

However, Biden is determined to stay in the race against former President Donald Trump despite polls showing that nearly 80 percent of Americans think he is too old to be in office.  

During a phone call Saturday, Biden reportedly promised to spend more time talking to voters at town halls and press conferences. 

However, Democrats had their own agenda this weekend. 

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) met with top Democrats on House committees to discuss Biden’s 2024 prospects after the president’s damning debate performance.

Top Democrats are hoping that President Biden will make a move by Friday if he does indeed exit the race. This, Democrats hope, would give them time to plot a strategy to defeat Trump with a new candidate.Efforts to replace Biden will face a number of hurdles, however. Unless the party opts to go with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Biden Campaign’s war chest will not be eligible for transfer to a new candidate due to campaign finance laws. Polling has also found that Harris, along with other potential replacement candidates, would also lose to Trump in November. Via Trending Politics. 

A new Reuters/Ipsos survey found that one in three voters, including 32 percent of Democrats, want Biden to drop out of the race. 

The poll spells bad news for the Democratic Party even if Biden does exit the race and they replace him with another candidate. 

In a hypothetic match-up, Trump beats Vice President Kamala Harris with 43 percent of the vote to 42 percent— and if Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is the nominee, Trump still wins by three points, 42 to 39 percent. 

Even left-leaning news outlets have jumped on board in ousting Biden. On Sunday, the Washington Post published a front-page story quoting high-profile donors who said “For every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay.”

Democrat Reps. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Angie Craig (D-Minn.) Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), Lloyd Doggett (DTX), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) have all joined forces in urging Biden to give up the post.