Friday, July 12, 2024

BOMBSHELL: Semafor Teases Timeline on When Democrats Are Expected to Turn on Biden

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

This isn't the first time you'll hear this sentiment and it won't be the last: The ongoing, waking nightmare that began for Democrats two weeks ago tonight, during the presidential debate, shifts and changes more than an Etch-A-Sketch board. Thursday has been no different.

But let's back up a day, to Wednesday morning, when former Dem House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC about President Joe Biden, but in that cryptic way no one misses from her time holding the gavel. She seemed to be pleading with House members (and possibly, all Democrats) to hold off on showing their cards on whether Biden should bow out of the Democratic nominating process or not--until after the NATO summit.

Meanwhile, some whispers have leaned toward the idea that Thursday's solo press conference is the make-or-break moment for the octogenarian chief executive. We'll all be watching for signs of that in the next few hours (and make sure to catch RedState contributors live-blogging during the presser!).

Now, in a bombshell revelation, there appears to be confirmation that the end of the NATO summit--Friday--is the deadline for skittish Democrats to finally step out publicly, Semafor reports exclusively Thursday in an interview with Colorado Democrat Senator John Hickenlooper:

Sen. John Hickenlooper of Colorado — who has not called on Biden to drop out — told Semafor that other Democrats may be waiting until after the NATO summit to voice complaints for fear of undermining the president in a national security setting, something Pelosi and others have also mentioned.

Sen. Hickenlooper, in what appeared to be a swipe at Biden campaign/loyalists using the narrative that only "elites" and Democrat donors are baying for Biden to exit (note: this is the full quote of what's in the X post above).

He continued:

“I think many senators are listening to their constituents,” he said. “We’ve had, in the last week or so, over 3,000 emails, phone calls in Colorado. These are people that are not donors. These are not elite. They’re not in the Beltway. They’re running 90-10 against the president. So if I really wanted to piss them off, I could come out and say how great this campaign is going. I’m not sure I believe that.”

As he states, Hickenlooper's office phones aren't the only ones burning up with constituents begging their senators to fix this mess. I wrote recently that things were bad for Team Biden, and the Left is truly not able to turn back from this chaos engulfing them. Buy more popcorn:

As this is a quickly developing story, RedState will provide more details as they become available.