Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Biden Holds Meeting of Ballot Coordinators During AF1 Flight to Austin

We are not going to play the insufferable game of pretending.  The stakes are just too high.  Today, the White House deployed a cover story for the assembly that accompanied Joe Biden to Austin, Texas.

As the story is told, event was rescheduled from July 15th until today.  However, the untold part is the major medical incident, the fall in Las Vegas, actually being the disruption covered by the COVID diagnosis.

That said, and in the interests of our upcoming election the second part of the cover-story is even more pertinent.  MEDIA: “Joe Biden travels to Austin, Texas, for an appearance at the LBJ Presidential Library to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.”  NON-PRETENDING AMERICANS: Uh, huh. An anniversary (key word) celebration that can be postponed willy nilly, causing the venue to stop the event, send everyone home, and reschedule just for Biden.  🙄  Get it?

So, what was this cover-story for?  Well, check out the AirForce1 attendees:

Al Sharpton (MSNBC), James Clyburn (SC), Chris Coons (DE), Raphael Warnock (GA) and Steven Horsford (NV). A coalition of allies in the 2024 ballot assembly and scanning system. Additionally, Alex Padilla (CA), Chuck Robb (VA), Nanette Barragan (CA-44) and Veronica Escobar (TX-16). If you want a citation on the media presentation – SEE HERE (scroll read).

Intellectually honest political followers can clearly see the race-based political assembly was a meeting to discuss 2024 ballot harvesting and precinct ballot scanning operations, using the “civil rights” trip as a cover for their assembly.

By my back of the checkbook math, in combination with the previous activity by the Clyburn AME ballot scanning operation, I would predict for 2024 the ballot operation has around 300,000 to 500,000 potential ballot scans per the 17 regions that Clyburn is covering.  That means somewhere around 5.1 million to 8.5 million fraudulent ballots should be anticipated.

If the operation, using the leverage of Barack Obama and the media, can create the illusion of more support, they might be able to increase the harvest/scan number.  The Brat’s VP will be a contingency in this aspect. That’s why Barack Obama and Eric Holder are in charge of that dynamic.

At current polling and manufactured illusion levels, the roughly 5 to 9 million fraudulent ballots would be plausible.  If they can manufacture more optical support, then they might be able to go higher.  However, now in the 17 regions the 9 million number looks like the ceiling.  That’s essentially what the conversation on the plane would entail.

The Obama network, in close coordination with the DNC has organized the online social media influence operation.  As the reports are now showing [SEE HERE], the TikTok and Instagram influencers are already being paid to push Kamala “Brat” Harris messaging. This is to support the Clyburn ballot scanning operation.

I noticed yesterday that a very pleased James Carville was very specific on the Harris roadmap, saying there was no way for the Brat to achieve victory without Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  [CITATION HERE] So, if I was focusing my effort to intercept the fraudulent ballot operations [Note to CE] I would target the Clyburn regions in those three states first. [Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink, Say-no-More.]

If we avoid the shiny things, stop pretending, identify the activity of the players in-real-time as it takes place, then we have the best opportunity to continue awakening people to how the ballots -vs- votes process is operating.

I’m organizing a trip to Wisconsin to track the “7 regions” in that state that South Carolina Representative Clyburn visited this month.  There is Wisconsin public information on a few of his stops; but Clyburn let it slip in a CBS interview that he visited seven. I’ll find them.

If Carville is correct, Obama might choose a PA (Shapiro) or Michigan (Whitmer) Vice-President for Kamala.  However, my gut instinct still says Mark Kelly due to the Brat’s Achilles heel with the “Border Czar” label and the obvious border crisis.

The issue with selecting Mark Kelly from Arizona is giving up a Senate seat to republicans, that’s where the AZ ballot operation becomes even more important (Clyburn again). So, it’s a little challenging to accurately predict who Obama/Holder will select.  [Walz is a possibility (MN), but Cooper (NC) and Beshear (KY) are shiny distractions.]

The 2024 U.S. presidential election is going to come down to whether the American public remain gullible to the constructs of the “fundamental change” crew. Unfortunately, there are many, even some on the right-leaning conservative side, who do not see how the Kamala “BRAT” operation is simply the end game in a process that started back in 2020👀👉 [SEE HERE👈 👀

So that’s the update on the Democrat plan, as it appears, with citations and references.

Notice the Brat’s lapel mic?  Nothing is organic with this crew.

ps. There is a hearing today about the Trump assassination effort.  Potentially anticipate Obama/Holder announcing the VP to take up oxygen.