Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver is one of my favorite pundits and voices.  During the COVID-19 nonsense, Oliver was one of the most valuable voices of reason and pandemic narrative destruction.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver walks through his great awakening and talks about the ramifications of having the scales dropped from his eyes.

The first several minutes of this video are excellent and the discussion gets deeper and more specific as it goes along.  At around the 17:30 point, there is a very funny dynamic where Neil Oliver doesn’t realize that Tucker Carlson was originally pushing the COVID-19 fraud.  Oliver talks about being targeted by the Vax/Mask/COVID mob without realizing that Carlson was one of the panic pushers; with Carlson famously going so far as to visit Mar-a-Lago and tell President Trump in 2020 that he wasn’t taking the SARS-CoV-2 issue seriously enough.   Neil doesn’t realize it, but Tucker gets very uncomfy and awkward as Oliver asks Carlson how he dealt with the hate.

Neil Oliver has a great way of articulating his thoughts and pragmatically discussing them in a way that permits the viewer to join in the process.  What Oliver describes is the same thing that many of us felt and experienced.  This is a very good interview.  WATCH:

00:00 Neil Oliver
01:07 Conspiracy theorist
10:07 The Great Sorting (COVID)
18:29 What does Democracy really mean?
29:49 Being slandered by the Left is a badge of honor
42:48 The corruption of the media in the UK
48:48 The Scottish hate speech law
1:01:54 Trump and Brexit
1:12:38 Are we heading towards revolution?
1:29:48 Has the American Republic fallen?
1:35:02 The banks
1:48:05 The hero’s journey

After watching this video, I am prone to pose the vaccination resistance question again for a new audience that may have missed it the first time around.