Sunday, June 16, 2024

There's Another Embarrassing Update on Biden's Aid for Terrorists Pier

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

After President Joe Biden's $300 million "humanitarian pier" in the Gaza Strip broke part, started to sink and washed up on the beach in Israel, it was repaired for an additional $22 million -- courtesy of the American taxpayer. 

This was after the Pentagon admitted none of the aid distributed from the pier in the Gaza Strip went to the right people. In other words, it was stolen by Hamas or other terrorists groups -- prolonging the war against Israel and bolstering resources for terrorists holding Americans hostage. 

Now, the pier is being taken to safety in Israel so it doesn't break apart again. 

"U.S. Central Command moves pier ahead of high seas. Today, due to expected high seas, the temporary pier will be removed from its anchored position in Gaza and towed back to Ashdod, Israel. The safety of our service members is a top priority and temporarily relocating the pier will prevent structural damage caused by the heightened sea state," CENTCOM announced Friday night. "The decision to temporarily relocate the pier is not made lightly but is necessary to ensure the temporary pier can continue to deliver aid in the future. After the period of expected high seas, the pier will be rapidly re-anchored to the coast of Gaza and resume delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza."

Finally, the rough seas seem to be the least of the worries for U.S. troops stationed in Gaza -- which is packed with different factions of Iranian backed Islamic terrorists.