Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Socialist Politicians Are Going All-In On Class Warfare

 They have deliberately robbed Canadians by reducing the value of our hard-earned money, so they hope to distract you by blaming others.

Socialists like Jagmeet Singh and Chrystia Freeland are going all in on class warfare.


And in doing so, they are taking advantage of many misconceptions that exist about money.

Singh, Freeland, and other socialists want to convince you that all will be well if the government prints and borrows more money, takes money from highly productive people, and gives that money away.

But if that’s how things worked, why not just print 100 trillion dollars, give it out, tax it, and then have – supposedly – endless money for services and everything else?

Of course, that wouldn’t work.

Because for money to have value, things have to be produced.

A bag full of hundred-dollar bills wouldn’t do you much good on a deserted island.

Likewise, if there was a magic way to produce everything everyone wanted in unlimited quantities, there would be no need for money.

But so long as we live in the real world, where scarcity is a reality and where things must actually be produced before they can be consumed, money alone cannot bring goods into existence.

And so, you can’t print and borrow your way into prosperity.

If a country prints and borrows too much money, then everything simply gets more expensive. If there is more money but the same amount of goods, then prices go up as the money supply inflates. And because money is a store of value, the government is stealing from your hard work by reducing the value of your money.

And when you increase taxes on the most productive Canadians, less is produced, which mean there are fewer goods for your money to buy, which again makes you poorer.

This theft is what politicians like Jagmeet Singh and Chrystia Freeland want to distract you from.

They have deliberately robbed Canadians by reducing the value of our hard-earned money, so they hope to distract you by blaming others.

Don’t fall for it.

Spencer Fernando