Sunday, June 2, 2024

President Trump and Elon Musk Collaborating Again?

I’m just going to throw out a bunch of factual datapoints that seemingly mean something, but the larger ‘intent’ picture is still opaque.  Many readers may not be familiar with the connective tissue between the names, so I’ll just cut to the chase.

According to media reports, Pershing Square Capital Management founder Bill Ackman is preparing to back Donald Trump in the 2024 election {LINK}.  Bill Ackman is the Wall Street money guy backstopping Elon Musk, and Ackman created the financial vehicle to take the X-Platform back to the public market (unused mechanism).

To wit, Elon Musk is reportedly in frequent communication with President Trump {LINK} potentially now as an advisor to the campaign:

“As recently as two years ago, Trump and Musk were publicly trading insults. But in recent months, the two men are developing a friendly rapport and talk on the phone several times a month as the election nears, the people familiar with their talks said. The pair have held discussions on immigration, technology and science, including the U.S. Space Force. Their views and interests have grown more aligned, the people said, with Musk calling Trump directly on his cellphone.” (more)

Elon Musk (Tesla) does not want tariffs against Chinese electric vehicles.  Axios is reporting that Musk plans to host an X-Platform townhall event with President Trump {LINK}.  As the billionaire classes choose sides, Mark Cuban is aligned with the multinationals and Biden; meanwhile, Musk and Ackman now appear to be aligning with Trump.

JD Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy were college roommates.  Both Vance and Ramaswamy were financially backed by Peter Thiel.  Thiel and Musk (now with Ackman, Vance and Ramaswamy) seemingly run in the same tribal circles.

Curiously, this grouping who seemingly support cryptocurrency, along with a few others who do not openly support the Hamas faction of U.S financial interests, are moving deeper into the America-First Trump orbit.  The question of their motive remains.  Do they support the MAGA agenda, or are they worming their way into position in order to undermine it?

You decide.


The FBI conducted surveillance on Donald Trump using the NSA database.  The CIA, DNI and FBI launched a counterintelligence operation against Trump. The DOJ and FBI fabricated the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. They tried to impeach Donald Trump twice.  They arrested Donald Trump four times. They charged him 91 times with manufactured crimes.  They indicted Donald J Trump four times, while the Biden DOJ/FBI arrested his lawyers and legal advisors.  The Joe Biden Dept of Justice then jailed his supporters and put a gag order on Donald Trump.  They censored him.  Working with the National Archives to manufacturer a case against him, they raided Donald Trump’s home using a sketchy search warrant.  They tried to remove him from ballots within several states and used a Biden appointed judge to frame support for their legal arguments.  A Biden donor judge then convicted him through a Biden prosecutor, using testimony from a convicted felon, serial perjurer, and porn star….  Yet, with all of that pressure against him, Donald John Trump is still leading Joe Biden in every national and key swing state poll.


Because the American people are wide awake now.