Monday, June 10, 2024

Lindsay Graham Saying The Quiet Part Outloud

Lindsay Graham, June 9, 2024:

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My op from two years ago....

Ukraine and the Seventeen Billion Dollar Honeypot

It often appears that when shock waves get sent throughout the community/communities of the world there's always that knight in shining armor that abruptly appears out of nowhere to make us all feel better. I've often labeled it the playing of the good guy bad guy scenario. It is often times looking at the good guy and what's underneath that will reveal the real reason for the bad guys appearances. I've seen this play out when it's come to Robert Malone and Scott Atlas. It took awhile to catch onto the Malone appearances, I went on to detail that in a post. Malone's initial appearance and his abrupt reentry into the spotlight upon Charles Liebers arrest and trial. We see that played out similar when Scott Atlas reappeared upon the world stage with a new book on the lock downs. A sudden attempt to explain away why there is so much death with a vaccine than without one, it's all the fault of the lockdowns. Our current such white knight in shining armor is Elon Musk.

We know what Elon has had to do with Ukraine but the real question is what does Elon have to do with Ukraine. Depending upon which side you are concluding the basis of your argument on most assume Ukraine is about oil, gas, waterways, cultural identities, Nazi's, communism and a brutal dictatorship. The fact of the matter though is that Ukraine has nothing to do with any of those things at all and has something to do with what Elon is heavily invested in. Minerals like titanium and nickel. As a matter of fact Ukraine is so rich in these commodities they can mine for them for the next six hundred years before ever running out. By 2030 Ukraine's yearly gross domestic product from producing metals will be a estimated seventeen billion dollars plus. Currently their gross domestic product from metallic is around four hundred million. So you can see why when Elon tweets Putin that the stakes are high he literally means it.

Elon isn't worth billions of dollars technically, he's worth billions on paper. The only way to turn that paper into fiat paper is the successful transition to electric automobiles from fossil fuels. The man who professes he doesn't invest in research to prolong lives like many billionaire counterparts is for societies to advance older societies must die off. Therefore for the progression of society he doesn't fear death. Such chivalry normally would be admirable if it wasn't for the fact that he's actively engaged in moving the progression line forcibly like so many other progressives currently. Further proof he considers people dispensable is his development of the Optimus robot to replace workers. His claim is that the robot is for jobs Americans don't want to do, (where have we heard that cliché before?) and to fill the gap in the labor pool due to covid. 

I know, I know, he moved his Starlink satellites over Ukraine and sent thousands of terminals in Ukraine, he fought off an electromagnetic jamming of the signals by Russia and he's even engaged in a take over fight with Twitter to save free speech. It really did get to be a bit to much of "it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Elon Musk" not to consider asking oneself exactly what's up with his sudden thrust into the limelight and what the invested interest would be.

Of the three thousand six hundred and seventy terminals sent to Ukraine, one thousand five hundred were paid for by the US government with an additional eight hundred thousand in shipping cost. Those receivers were about the size of a central air conditioning unit, plus the dish and you needed a router. While being engaged on Twitter to foster a fight with Putin only to have his prime minister call him effeminate whereas he engaged back by changing his name to Elona he forgot to mention one important thing. Important warning: Starlink is the only non-Russian communication system still working in some parts of Ukraine so probability of being a target is high. Nothing like being made a target and forgetting to add that vital note to the shipping containers. While he's safely at home battling it out with his "supposedly" (I'll get into that later) Russian adversary on Twitter his receivers were giving out the location of those engaged in fighting in Ukraine. If all that wasn't comical enough there was this tidbit that appeared in the NY Times:

Dave Tremper, director of electronic warfare for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, pointed to SpaceX’s ability last month to swiftly stymie a Russian effort to jam its Starlink satellite broadband service, which was keeping Ukraine connected to the Internet. SpaceX founder Elon Musk steered thousands of Starlink terminals to Ukraine after an official sent him a tweet asking for help keeping the besieged country online.

The next day [after reports about the Russian jamming effort hit the media], Starlink had slung a line of code and fixed it,” Tremper said. “And suddenly that [Russian jamming attack] was not effective anymore. From [the] EW technologist’s perspective, that is fantastic … and how they did that was eye-watering to me.”

"The government, on the other hand, has a “significant timeline to make those types of corrections” as it muddles through analyses of what happened, decides how to fix it and gets a contract in place for the fix.

“We need to be able to have that agility,” Tremper said. “We need to be able to change our electromagnetic posture to be able to change, very dynamically, what we’re trying to do without losing capability along the way.” 

If our government, during an active engagement, is relying on one man for a "eye watering" moment, well, there just isn't any words. I am surprised he hasn't leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Elon, if you watch him when he speaks, detaches himself emotionally away from what he's going to say. He's not speaking from the heart he's speaking from the mind. He thinks about that which he is going to speak and avoids emotional expressions and eye contact the majority of the time. I am assuming this comes from having grown up in Africa during apartheid, early weaning off emotional attributes. If he hadn't grown up swathed in the comforts of wealth he'd probably, in the otherwise mundane of the world, grew up to be a psychopath. Considering the players club he's in he probably is but just hides it really well. Keeping you distracted, in the end, will pay off really well.

Russia really isn't an adversary in this fight. The traditional Washington war playbook has been revised. What we see taking place in Ukraine is part of that transition. The logic they are using behind it is that we don't always have to be the leader. In actuality it would be a whole lot less costlier if we weren't. If they lead from behind they come out a winner without the reputation of being the bad guys trying to dominate the world stage. The problem with that was trying to convince the "bad" guys to rewrite the playbook. That would entail convincing them that human right abuses or any humanitarian crisis committed in a country would have to arise to a direct threat towards the United States for any intervention upon our part. We were no longer going to be the world's policemen calling out other countries atrocities. The only time we'd engage with another country would be if taking lives meant we'd save more lives. The use of chemical weapons qualifies as an existential threat and so would, in their view, climate change. Ukraine has the resources needed to engage the climate agenda but Ukraine is run like a kleptocracy and therein lies the problem. In the Strategy for the Titanium Industry Development in Ukraine 2030 it notes that plan "a" hinges on plan "b".

This document presents three scenarios for the Ukrainian titanium industry development over the
next 10 years, depending on the state policy concerning the industry, and the implementation of rapid
and profound changes in the traditional technological paradigm:

 Scenario 1: “Stagnation in Ukraine and environmental threat”;
 Scenario 2: “Governmental stimulation”;
 Scenario 3: “Technological breakthrough + Governmental stimulation”.
Scenario 1 assumes a further reduction in production volumes. The processing sector will stagnate
at the lowest level possible. Export from Ukraine will retain its raw material trend. The likelihood of an
ecological disaster is high.
If production falls below a certain level, and for ZTMC it is 6 thousand tons of spongy titanium per
year, the chlorine will most likely be emitted in a way similar to a gas explosion. Pipes may burst with
chlorine released into the atmosphere. According to industry participants, a chlorine cloud might cover
the left bank of the city of Zaporizhzhia, parts of Nikopol and Dnipro cities.
Scenario 2 assumes that the Government of Ukraine will adopt the Strategy for the Titanium
Industry Development until 2030, which will become part of the comprehensive Economic Strategy of
Ukraine. The state should provide conditions for the development of the industry (incentives for extraction
increasing and processing of raw materials into fi nal products), similar to what leading countries do today.
As a result of the implementation of the state Program and a selection of incentive actions, production
facilities will emerge in Ukraine that will use titanium sponge and pigment as raw materials. Besides, the
production of fi nished products from titanium will grow.
By 2030F, the overwhelming majority of raw materials (over 80%) will be processed in Ukraine, and
higher added-value products will be exported.
Ukraine’s raw material model will be transformed into a model of complete redistribution. Ukrainian
producers will be able to export products with high added value, generating billions of export revenues
annually. Ukraine will have a well-rounded trade balance and a stable national currency.

The development of the titanium industry enables to launch growth in related industries. Within 10
years, about $7 billion of GDP will be generated additionally (in 2019, Ukraine’s entire titanium industry
estimated at $400 million). More than 2,000 new jobs will emerge, and the State budget will receive not
less than $1.3 billion in additional revenue.
But the crucial benefit is that Ukraine will take its place on the international division of labor map as
titanium will become one of the informal brands of Ukraine in the world. It will determine the subjectivity
of the Ukrainian state and will lay the prerequisites for influencing geopolitical processes and the balance
of power in the region.
The implementation of Scenario 3 is only possible with the realization of Scenario 2, that is, with
the implementation of the Strategy for the Titanium Industry Development and government incentives.
In Ukraine, work on new technologies for obtaining metallic titanium is already underway. However, a
breakthrough technology can emerge only if the state creates all the conditions for capital inflow into the
industry and the development of R&D centers.
Only in this case, Ukraine can become a country that will strike a technological breakthrough in the
titanium industry and change the balance of power in the world market.
With Scenario 3 implemented, Ukrainian companies will be able to enter the world markets for
stainless steel and aluminum products.
In Scenario 3, according to our estimates, up to $100 billion of GDP will be generated additionally in
10 years (at the current annual GDP of Ukraine of $154 billion). Additional Budget revenues may amount
to $17.7 billion (2021-2030FF). 

"However, a breakthrough technology can emerge only if the state creates all the conditions for capital inflow into the
industry and the development of R&D centers." That sentence, that one very single line of sentencing is why they are at war in Ukraine. It's not sovereignty, it's not oil, gas, waterways, cultural identities, Nazi's, communism and a brutal dictatorship takeover it's all about the titanium. The new "gold" of the world. The product that will move the climate agenda forward, and the inability of Ukraine not to run itself like a kleptocracy, a free rider on society constantly being bailed out by the international world banks simply because greedy individuals can't quit robbing the country and taking off with it's cash. It's even worse than that. Ukraine has four retirees for every two workers. Between oligarch's running off with the energy cash flows and workers unable to support the system Ukraine is unsustainable. They have been a constant burden held up by billions of dollars from the international community.

The lead up to this fight started back in 2005 when senators Richard Lugar and than senator Barack Obama went to Donetsk to view a weapons site. They held a meeting with than president Victor Yushchenko and convinced him that the threat reduction program for nuclear weapons should be expanded to include small arms, artillery, anti aircraft weapons and other conventional ammunitions of all kinds. They also secured the funding for the disarmament. When I look back on how early the involvement was with Obama it has given me pause that he, also like the regime currently installed in the US, he was also installed. I am not of the favor anymore to believe that since the hanging chad election of George Bush we've even been electing any of our presidents. They all all been installed and they've been installed for specific purposes.

If you follow the patent records on the corona virus presented by David Martin it traces the roots back to the Bush administration. The preparations of what is unfolding has been ongoing for over two decades now. From the start of the research on the corona virus, John Bolton's entry at the beginning of the research, his relentless pursuit to take the US out of the International tribunal court systems to him serving under the Trump administration and the oversight and transfer of medical/medical good to the defense department. To Obama setting up Obama care to make the whole pandemic profitable to his apology tours in the middle east, another preparatory procedure meant to convey trust in the middle east that the US was changing course on it's military trajectory. Trump to finalize final preparations for the release by bringing Bolton back in, McMasters to set the logistics and layout across the US and Trump to finalizing courting the remaining tyrants of the world that there was a new message in Dodge and that message was and has been to announce that dictatorial leaders had it right all along.

The evidence for this can be seen from what Obama termed "the free rider campaign" of Ukraine and NATO, carrying on through the Trump administration, to Israel injecting it's populace repeatedly with vaccines, to the campaign to embarrass the US military with wokism. All to prove to the tyrants of the world that the playbook on military strategy was being rewritten, that leading from behind using tyrants to do the dirty work of instilling a persistent state of fear to control the populace while enforcing the new world order upon them was and is the only way to break down atavism and create a new world order.

Each of these attributes, as well as others, if paid close attention are a "campaign" within the strategy to create a new global hegemony of trust and cooperation that rewards each nation dependent upon it's cooperation to build the world back better. No longer will human suffering, catastrophic events seen unfolding in Ukraine, human right abuses or any other thing short of the use of chemical warfare justify military intervention to offset climate goals. The suffering seen in Ukraine is justifiable to them because ultimately the resolve will move the vast majority of the population out of harms of climate change. Those individuals suffering will move the course of humanity forward. The same with these vaccines, the benefits outweigh the risk. People know it doesn't, not logically in normal course of comparison. We aren't in normal mode anymore, we are in the new normal. If the new normal dictates we overlook atrocities committed by others, or create catastrophic events for the overall good of humanity that's the trajectory you will see unfold. Even if it means we tear apart each and every country piece by piece to build it back better, to eliminate the atavisms to create a world of equity, inclusion and a greener agenda.

Evident that this is the course of action is the pure clown show this war has thus far taken. Absent of any real punishment(s) creating harms to Russia, same as if we were engaged in the middle east. Most are unware of the backdoor peddling going on right now between the makers and breakers in all this. The med-east pipeline deal is gone. Germany will switch it's energy over to Qatar, while Russia will build the infrastructure for liquified national gas to supply to China. These are just a couple of examples but you see how they are working this? They are implementing the climate agenda right behind your backs without you even knowing it. That's because you are to busy occupied fighting over who did what to whom where that they all set up to keep you distracted.

Like most individuals thought the initial invasion of Ukraine by Russia was over control of the oil and gas fields in Donbas. That they wanted to go in and drill in shale for fracking, etc., but that's not what they were doing. If you go look those area's have largely been depleted of those resources. Surveying and planning for the implementation of zero waste clean energy mining was more like it. They set up and developed the processes and were ready to go, thing is though that stood in the way was that nasty habit of Ukraine being run as a kleptocracy, and that's why the Russian involvement.

Don't let them fool you. Same thing happened in Syria. There was no great hatred or distrust involved. Russia moved into Syria because the US couldn't be on both sides the fence. ISIS was headed toward Assad so the US made a deal with them. You babysit that sector and we'll babysit this sector. While you are at it they ask Russia to find the elusive leaders so Russia took some ISIS members up into the mountains and tortured them until they found their locations. You see how this is working? They can get so much further by using the bad guys up against the good guys and the good guys up against the bad. Ruling in cooperation of a persistent fear, governing your fear psyche. In this type of environment everyone has to be everyone else's enemy for it to work except to themselves. From what I can see it's working really well. Like Nick Fink of Black Rock said, moving toward green energy doesn't mean the total elimination of fossil fuels. If a country that burns coal converts to fossil fuels that's a cleaner energy. If a country using fossil fuels starts using electric that's a cleaner energy, so forth and so on....and that's exactly what they are doing, creating the fourth industrial revolution. You are so distracted over the hateful environments they created for you that you don't even know the transition is taking place right behind your back. You can look at the unleashing of the virus and the destruction of Ukraine that at this point they will stop at nothing, if it's left up to them you will have nothing, including your life if it means they meet their objective.