Friday, June 7, 2024

Joe Biden's Last-Minute Executive Order to Secure the Border Fails On Day One

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

President Joe Biden appears to have gotten in over his head after making a last-minute effort to secure the southern border ahead of the November election. 

Wednesday marked the first full day of Biden’s executive order took place, which aims to restrict access for asylum seekers. However, the plan seemed to backfire as hundreds of illegal immigrants were seen entering the United States through gaps in the border wall along the San Diego corridor. 

That same day, Customs Border and Protection officials told Fox News that nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended. This number does not include gotaways. 

CPB sources who spoke with Fox reported a daily addition of approximately 4,000 illegal migrants in a single day as well as 1,500 crossings at designated ports of entry. President Biden’s executive order, signed on Tuesday, would shut down the border if daily crossings exceeded 2,500 over a weeklong average, opening up only after a consistent reduction to 1,500 or fewer. Immigration remains a top issue for most voters in the 2024 cycle, the outlet adds, based on recent polls. Control of the border garnered 16% among respondents asked about their top issue. Via Trending Politics. 

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin pulled back the curtains on Biden’s claim that the illegal aliens attempting to cross the border are all asylum seekers. 

Following the president’s executive order announcement, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that her ex-boss’s efforts were a way to address a “political vulnerability” ahead of the election. 

“There needs to be something that’s done, but also, politically, this is one of the biggest vulnerabilities,” Psaki said. “And regardless of who’s mad about the details of what’s in here and what isn’t in here, it’s a political vulnerability for the president and his campaign. They know that. They knew they would have to do something like an executive order before the election politically as well. And that’s what we’re seeing play out.”