Thursday, June 6, 2024

Hamas Just Made Joe Biden Look Like a Buffoon With Response to Ceasefire Proposal

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The worst foreign policy mind in American history has struck again. That's an evergreen opener to any article when you are talking about Joe Biden because if there's a way to screw up a foreign policy issue, he'll figure it out. Unfortunately, he's been in rare form regarding the war between Israel and Hamas. 

As RedState reported, Biden triumphantly announced a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas that appeared to be a rehash of the terms that the terrorists had demanded during the last round of negotiations. In other words, the entire thing was an insane waving of the white flag.

A "complete ceasefire" would be a victory for Hamas, allowing the group to emerge from their holes and regroup. In return, the terrorist group would not even have to release all the hostages. Instead, they'd be allowed to release only "some" of them along with the remains of those they murdered. The other phases only compounded how bad the deal was, with Hamas being returned as the governing authority while American taxpayers foot the bill for reconstruction.

With all that said, none of it matters because Hamas just pulled the rug out from under Biden. If you can't trust a terrorist group, who can you trust these days, am I right?

What are the supposed "differences?" There probably aren't any, and Hamas sure isn't going to point them out. Why bother when the press and an army of supporters in the West will defend them no matter what? 

To be sure, I don't think the rejection of this ceasefire has much to do with "differences" in the terms. I think the reason is much more insidious than that. Hamas has continually used the hostages as a bargaining chip to promote the idea that they want a ceasefire. Do they really want one, though? I don't think so.

Why? Because I think they've killed all or most of the hostages. I hate to be the one to have to say that, but when Hamas keeps dangling the carrot and jerking it back, it starts to become the most likely explanation. If any ceasefire is agreed to, the game is up. If they keep walking away from the table, blaming Israel, then the pro-terror elements of the "international community" can keep pushing their narrative without having to face the truth.

Regardless, Biden looks like a buffoon here. He bragged about a supposed deal with a terrorist group before that terrorist group had even offered assurances. Once again, his foreign policy instincts have led to abject failure. Just as assuredly as the sun will rise, it is a certainty that Biden will screw things up.