Friday, June 21, 2024

Dem Rep and MSNBC Host Chuckle Over the Rape of a Minor By an Illegal Alien

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

Before we get into this abysmal segment, let’s not forget that this network is doing its job: keeping liberal blood pressures low by feeding the sheep grade-A liberal propaganda. It’s not a shock that MSNBC host Joy Reid and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) would label the rape of a minor by an illegal alien as “fearmongering.” 

I’m not sure it is, given that it’s true. An illegal alien was busted for raping a 13-year-old in Queens, New York, this week (via ABC 7 NY): 

A 25-year-old Ecuadorian has been arrested in connection with the "horrific" rape of a 13-year-old girl after people in the Queens community recognized him from images circulated by police, held him possibly with a belt and roughed him up after he fought with his captors, according to the NYPD. 

"The community was holding our perp," NYPD Chief of Detectives Joe Kenny said. 

The suspect, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, waived his Miranda rights and told police he had a drug problem and had never done anything like this before, Kenny said. 

The suspect also told investigators he found the large knife police said he used to force the 13-year-old and her schoolmate into a secluded part of Kissena Park. The two teens were able to get away after the rape and tell their school what happened.

The funniest part is that Democrats cite these phantom polls to peddle the narrative that their agenda is popular. Ms. Jayapal claims to have read a survey showing strong support for immigrants, but voters want to see a system that works. The Washington left-winger then smiled, joking that she’s been working on this issue for 20 years; she was in the trenches. Reid also smiled when Jayapal spoke about her failed career as an immigration reform agent. She made this heinous illegal alien crime all about her.   

The real polls show that 62 percent of Americans favor mass deportation of illegal aliens, including a majority of Hispanics. They’re raping, killing, and driving drunk nationwide. The system was working under Trump, and then Biden opened the floodgates and has refused to allow federal agents to regain operational control of the border.

What is wrong with this network? This nonchalant attitude wasn’t as bad as the chuckle fest on Super Tuesday in February, where Jen Psaki, Rachel Maddow, and Joy Reid all laughed about why immigration is the top issue for Virginia voters. Recently, a mother of five, Rachel Morin, was brutally raped and murdered by an illegal in Harford County, Maryland, which is around 1,800 miles from the southern border. Only snobby, insulated, and out-of-touch leftists wouldn’t get why this is a big deal. It’s a source of mockery for Democrats who view this as a concern from rural voters, whom they hate.

Democrats don’t care about women who have been raped and killed by these illegal alien animals. That isn’t an opinion; it’s a fact at this point.

While we're still on this subject, in Houston, Texas, a 12-year-old was murdered by two illegal aliens. And Biden wants to legalize over 500,000 more people, keep the border porous, and do next to nothing to resolve this crisis because it's intentional.