Wednesday, June 5, 2024

CBS Trots Out 84yo Ted Koppel to Fearmonger About 'Civil War 2' If Trump Loses Election

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As the desperation continues to mount in the Democrat Party and its sock-puppet media that the possibility of embattled Joe Biden beating Donald Trump in the November presidential election is in deep doo-doo, their efforts to paint Trump as the existential threat to the U.S., if not the planet, become more ridiculous.

Such was the case on this week's "CBS Sunday Morning" when the outlet trotted 84-year-old Ted Koppel out to the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg to urge critics to “consider the consequences of another Trump defeat” rather than only fearing his win. 

In other words, Koppel fearmongered himself silly as he compared celebrations that followed the surrender of Fort Sumter to Trump rallies, and suggesting "Civil War 2" is coming if Trump loses.

Koppel kicked off the festivities with Gettysburg Chief of Education and Interpretation, Chris Gwinn, which was somewhat humorous given that Koppel tried to position the guy as a present-day political analyst.

I don`t think there has ever been a more recorded mini-insurrection, than what happened on January 6th, and yet we`re still arguing about what happened. Are you seeing some of the same similarities that I`m seeing in what`s happening today?

"To a degree," Gwinn replied, to which Koppel said: "I mean, you don`t have to, if it`s too hot a potato."

Pulitzer-worthy journalism, right? Gwinn responded:

It`s a little hot. It`s a little hot for the park service. What I remember from the January 6th riot, insurrection, is I saw Confederate battle flags in the halls of Congress for the first time. They achieved something that Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia never even got close to. They`re physically in the halls of Congress with the same battle flag that Virginia units on this battlefield carried. And that`s something I never thought I`d see.


While the left doesn't give a damn about insulting the intelligence of rationally intelligent people, it very much gives a damn about preying on (indoctrinating) low-information rank-and-file Democrat voters. In this case, comparing the ill-conceived Jan. 6 Capitol riot to the Civil War, in which roughly 620,000 Americans died. That is a travesty.

Then again, in the eyes of the Democrats, given that Biden and congressional Democrats have zero to run on from a positive perspective, they're left only with fearmongering about the unspeakable things Trump will do if he returns to the White House — and if he doesn't.

"Does it bother you?" Koppel asked Gwinn. "Deeply. Profoundly," Gwinn replied. "Because?" Koppel asked Gwinn to expound, clearly urging the park services official to concoct more histrionic nonsense.  

Needless to say, Gwinn was all over it.

We fought a four-year war that cost 700,000 [620,000] lives. And to see that symbol, that flag, utilized in that way, and to see it in that building was something that I think if you could go and reincarnate some of these union soldiers, these United States soldiers buried in that cemetery, they would be aghast at the sight of that.

Spoiler, Mr. Quinn: If Trump wins in November, the Confederate flag will not fly at the U.S. Capitol — or anywhere else in D.C.

Koppel then poured it on.

And yet, when the Civil War began with the surrender of Fort Sumter in 1861, there was throughout much of the land wild celebration and no inkling of the price to be paid. Wars rarely begin in a climate of foresight. ... So could the chest beating at a political rally provide real insight as to what could happen in the event of another Trump defeat?

The segment also ran a clip in which several Trump supporters shared their views. Among them:

MAN #1: Condition one, be ready.

KOPPEL: Which is what —

MAN #1: I don`t know. I think there`s going to be some real unrest in this country. I think everybody will step up now. In condition one, be ready. Just be ready. That`s why, sir.

KOPPEL: Condition one refers to a firearm with the safety on—

ALL: We love Trump. We love Trump

KOPPEL: —live round in the chamber and the hammer cocked.

MAN #1: Condition one.


KOPPEL: President Trump`s critics and their legion are fearful of what his victory in the election might mean for the country. And he might do well to consider the consequences of another Trump defeat.

MAN #2: We will not go another four years at the pace we`re going. Our side will fight back then.

KOPPEL: Tell me what that means.

MAN #2: It means our freedom will not be stolen anymore.

KOPPEL: What if it happens again?

MAN #3: Be ready. Just be ready for war.

KOPPEL: Really?

MAN #3: I think some of us are going to go and be a little nuts over it.

Carefully edited clips, no doubt. Also, no doubt, the left-wing media's herculean efforts to save Biden from his disastrous self will only increase in asininity as Tuesday, November 5, 2024, draws nearer and nearer.