Thursday, June 6, 2024

CANADA: A crucial report with deep national security implications has been under our microscope all day.



A crucial report with deep national security implications has been under our microscope all day.

I am here to share the news with you.

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians has shockingly revealed that various Canadian officials, including House of Commons and Senate members, have been aiding foreign regimes.

The surprise? Justin Trudeau has censored the identities of these serious offenders.

This isn't a casual accusation - renowned intelligence experts label this as "textbook treason." They underline that these unnamed politicians have been interacting with, aiding, and scheming with foreign governments, jeopardizing our national security.

It's a stark betrayal to our country.

We've made our comprehensive report accessible for everyone – no paywalls. It's vital that this information reaches all corners.

More significantly, we need your immediate action, Ross. An official petition, 'Name The Traitors,' is already in motion to bring these offenders to justice. Go to the aptly named website, to stand against this treachery. Your country needs you now. 

While I know you stand with us, we need to let the world know that Canadians will not sit idly by. We need you to get as many people to add their name as possible. 
Now is the time to stand up. Those who will put the interests of our enemies above Canada must be dealt with to the full extent of the law. This process starts with naming those who have betrayed the nation.

Standing by while this country falls apart is not an option. 

This is war. 

Mike Campbell
Senior Reporter