Friday, June 7, 2024

Biden Steps in It Big Time With Remarks About U.S. Weapons Being Used Inside Russia

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden was in Normandy, France to recognize the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday. 

I reported earlier on some of Biden's awkward confusion at the ceremony, which had many people talking, including wondering what the heck he was doing when he appeared to be trying to sit down. 

But in an unusual move, the Biden team did let him speak to ABC's David Muir about the visit and about the news that he had authorized the use of American weapons inside Russia by Ukraine. 

I don't know what they were thinking by doing this. When you're already doing something that is highly problematic, and then you throw Joe Biden out there to try to explain it, it's probably not going to go very well. 

First, Muir asked him what could we learn from these veterans and this anniversary? 

Biden said, "Stand up, tell the truth, serve your country." 

We can learn that from them. It's just too bad that Biden didn't, which is why he has a continual problem telling the truth or putting the interests of America first. 

Muir then asked him about the weapons, saying he knows he, Biden, had previously resisted the use of American weapons being used against Russia inside Russia. "Are American weapons being used right now inside Russia," he inquired. 

Biden's answer is just horrible. "They're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. We're not authorizing strikes 200 miles into Russia. We're not authorizing strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin." 

Why is he using that language? So you mean "we" are just "authorizing strikes" into Russia, just not deep into Russia? Does he think that sounds good? He just said the U.S. is authorizing strikes with U.S. weapons on Russia. How should one view that? 

It's one thing if you give Ukraine weapons, but it's another when you talk about us authorizing strikes inside Russia. How does he think Russia should react to that? Not surprisingly, Vladimir Putin is not happy. According to Muir, Putin termed it "direct participation in this war," that it was the way to "serious problems" and talked about Russia's nuclear capability. Muir asked if that concerned Biden. 

Biden said he had known him for over 40 years and repeated it was only being authorized near the border. He doesn't seem to comprehend the weight of what he's saying or how it would be viewed. 

Forty years ago, Putin was involved in the KGB. As conservative communicator Steve Guest asked, is Joe really saying he was in contact with a KGB agent, or is his brain cooked? 

Good question. With Biden, you never know, and either way is a big problem. 

He just looked awful and frankly seemed older than some of the veterans who were there on D-Day. He seemed half asleep, and his eyes almost seemed closed, particularly his left eye. 

It sounds like he's about to sleepwalk us into World War III.