Saturday, June 1, 2024

And Trump's Single-Day Fundraising Haul Post-Hush Money Verdict Is...

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

On CNN, you’d think the election had already happened, and Joe Biden was declared the winner. Here’s the reality: most of the country hasn’t changed their minds about former President Donald Trump's post-hush money verdict. They didn’t think he could get a fair trial, and even some of his most ardent and vocal detractors on the conservative side are appalled by this miscarriage of justice. It’s not just conservatives. 

Former assistant US Attorney Elie Honig, a senior legal analyst for CNN, penned a damning piece in New York Magazine, where he said the jury might have done its job—a debatable point—but that the legal justification for the charges and its trial were a trainwreck. The piece unintentionally exposes how anti-Trump prosecutors bend and twist the law for political purposes, something you’ve known since this legal circus began. The result is a spike in the polls for Trump, along with a money bomb that Joe Biden can only wish to clinch for a single-day haul. 

You knew when the donation pages crashed, it would be big league, and it was. Trump raised over $50 million in a single day post-verdict. That’s how much Biden raised in all of April (via CBS News):

Former President Donald Trump's campaign and the Republican Party raised $52.8 million in the six hours after Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts in his "hush money" trial, the campaign said Friday, a staggering total that represents more than half of what they raised in the entire month of April.

The campaign said that Thursday's sum mostly came from small-dollar donors, including 30% who were new contributors to WinRed, the GOP's fundraising platform. Fundraising totals can't be verified until the campaign's reports to the Federal Election Commission are released next month. 

 The backlash has been astounding, only further exposing how everyone sees through the Left’s lawfare ruse.