Sunday, May 12, 2024

Two Elderly Women Charged For Trying To Smash Into Magna Carta Case With Hammer

A pair of octogenarian women have been arrested and charged with criminal damage after attempting to smash into the case holding the Magna Carta in the British Library in another pointless ‘Just Stop Oil’ stunt.

The two women, Anglican priest Sue Parfitt, 82, and retired teacher Judy Bruce, 85, used a hammer and a chisel and were captured on video trying to smash the glass of the display covering the historical document.

The women, wearing the familiar garb of the radical leftist environmental group, held up a sign saying “The government is breaking the law.”

Parfitt stated “As a Christian I am compelled to do all that I can to alleviate the appalling suffering that’s coming down the line and is here already, whatever it takes, whatever the costs.”

The pair then began chanting ‘Just Stop Oil’ in unison before gluing their hands to the display case and waiting to be arrested.

British Library officials quickly ushered away bystanders and called the police.

The display sustained minimal damage according to police, but remains closed.

The Magna Carta, dating to 1215, provided the basis of democratic legal systems and human rights, and was the first document to state that the king and the government were not above the law.

The document itself, one of three originals, was not damaged.

As we have previously highlighted, these eco loons, funded by billionaires, are acting as shock troops for globalist technocrats pushing for the same ‘net zero’ agenda, as such they’re the ultimate creature of the establishment.

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