Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tony Timpa died after a cop kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes, (2016!) and here’s why you’ve never heard of him…

Last week marked the anniversary of Saint George Floyd’s death. On May 25th, 2020, this career criminal and drug addict attempted to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. When the police arrived to arrest him, the lumbering giant fought back, setting off a series of events that would alter history—thanks to deceitful Democrats, the propaganda media, and some spineless Republicans. George Floyd was practically canonized because he died while actively breaking the law: carrying drugs, passing fake bills, resisting arrest, and God only knows what else. It was a shameful spectacle to witness. Police officers were kneeling to honor a man who once held a loaded gun to a pregnant woman’s belly and threatened to kill her, while his buddies ransacked and robbed her home.

What a guy!

Some police step out to show support for George Floyd demonstrators

This was the mayor of Minneapolis, weeping like an unconsolable widow at Floyd’s funeral.

By now, you’re probably all too familiar with the entire George Floyd saga and how this disgraceful debacle unfolded and ended, including a cop who’s rotting in jail for “murder,” even though no one was actually murdered. Isn’t our justice system just grand? But what did they care about Derek Chauvin? He was a pawn in a much bigger game of chess.

And speaking of colors, George Floyd even had a gold coffin, a funeral fit for a king—the king of cell block B, that is. Floyd’s family certainly made out like bandits. George turned out to be worth a lot more dead than alive. It’s eerily reminiscent of suicide bombers, isn’t it? After they die, they’re treated like martyrs, and their families never have to want for anything again.

Sharpton at George Floyd's Minneapolis memorial service: 'Get your knee off our necks' | MPR News

ABC News:

His brother called it a “step for all of us to begin to get some closure.” A $27 million settlement to the family of George Floyd has been unanimously approved by Minneapolis’ City Council.

Well, $27 million can buy a lot of closure, can’t it? Unfortunately, another family whose loved one was genuinely a victim of “police misconduct,” will never know what that kind of  “closure” feels like. See, Tony Timpa’s death didn’t matter as much as George Floyd’s politicized demise, which ignited division, destruction, hatred, and even more death, just as the Democrats like it. So, who is Tony Timpa? He was a college-educated white man who called the police for help because he didn’t have his medication and was experiencing a mental health crisis.

Here’s a closeup of the images:

Instead of helping Tony, who never fought back or did anything illegal, they ended his life.


The tragic cases of Tony Timpa and George Floyd have brought to light the stark disparities in media coverage and public perception when it comes to police brutality incidents. Despite both men suffering a similar fate while being detained by police, their stories received vastly different outcomes in terms of media attention and public outrage. In this article, we delve into the contrasting narratives surrounding these cases and explore how media’s profit-driven motives often prioritize stories that can be spun into racial issues, even if police brutality has nothing to do with race.

The Parallels in Tragedy

Tony Timpa, a Caucasian man, and George Floyd, a Black-American man, both endured horrifying ordeals while in police custody. Notably, Tony Timpa did not resist detention, which sets his case apart from George Floyd’s. Nevertheless, just like Floyd, Timpa urgently pleaded for his life as an officer’s knee was pressed against his body. Tragically, during these encounters, officers displayed callous indifference, while the victims struggled for their lives.

Tony Timpa’s Unfortunate Fate

In August 2016, Tony Timpa called 911 for help during a mental health crisis. When the police arrived, he was handcuffed and held down with an officer’s knee on his back for nearly 14 minutes. Throughout the ordeal, Timpa repeatedly informed the officers that he couldn’t breathe and feared for his life. Disturbingly, the officers’ response was marked by indifference and insensitivity. Tragically, Tony Timpa died during the encounter.

Tony’s family had to fight tooth and nail to scrape together any semblance of justice for him. After a string of court battles, Tony’s son was finally awarded $1 million while the rest of the family received nothing—a far cry from the “closure” George’s family received.


A federal civil jury awarded the teenage son of a man who died in 2016 while in Dallas Police custody $1 million in damages for violating his father’s constitutional rights.

Timpa was 32 when he died on Aug. 10, 2016, while in the custody of Dallas police officers. He called 911 operators in a panic and asked for help, saying he was off his medication for anxiety and schizophrenia.

Within about 20 minutes of police arriving, Timpa became unresponsive and died.

After the city and county of Dallas blocked the release of public records related to Timpa’s death, body camera video released by the police department to NBC 5 and The Dallas Morning News showed Timpa restrained in handcuffs and police officers mocking him as he pleaded for help dozens of times.

The civil jury was to decide whether Dallas Police Officer Dustin Dillard used excessive force and violated Timpa’s constitutional rights when he knelt on his back for more than 14 minutes and whether three other officers, Kevin Mansell, Raymond Dominguez and Danny Vasquez, failed to intervene.

The jury in the civil trial said Wednesday that Vasquez and Dominguez also violated Timpa’s constitutional rights, though Mansell did not.

The jury also said all of the officers, except for Dominguez, were protected by “qualified immunity,” a shield that protects government officials from lawsuits in civil rights cases. A federal appeals court ruled in January that “qualified immunity” should not protect the officers from potential liability however U.S. District Judge David Godbey told the federal jury to consider it when coming to a decision.

Geoff Henley, the Timpa family’s attorney, said after the verdict was read that they were glad Timpa’s son was awarded damages but found it curious that the rest of the family was overlooked.

This is the bodycam footage from Officer Dillard. We warn you that it is very disturbing.

So, Tony, an educated white man who simply needed a helping hand, ended up dead after a cop kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes. The national media had practically nothing to say about it, and Tony’s family had to jump through hoops just to get 1 million dollars. Clearly, the most significant disparity between the two cases, aside from the fact that George was a career criminal who contributed nothing useful to society, lies in media coverage. While George Floyd’s case received non-stop, 24/7 attention from the mainstream media, social media, corporations, and Hollywood, Tony Timpa’s story was largely overlooked, receiving only scant coverage—in fact, you’ve probably never heard of him, have you? But you can bet his family, forced to relive their nightmare over and over after career criminal George Floyd died in police custody, had to watch all the “closure” unfold and wonder why Tony’s life didn’t matter as much in the eyes of the law. That’s what we should all be asking ourselves as we mark the 4th anniversary of George Floyd’s death: Why was a black career criminal who gave absolutely nothing back to society and preyed on innocent people treated like a saint while a decent, mentally ill white man was brushed aside and forgotten? Politics. Everything in this country is measured by how “progressive” it registers on the political meter. That determines the importance and the “closure” family members will get.