Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Report: Lunden Roberts Has an August Surprise for Joe and Hunter Biden

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

As RedState has extensively documented, the Biden family led by so-called "family man" Joe Biden has treated Hunter Biden's love child, Navy Roberts, appallingly, from initially not acknowledging her to leaving her name off the White House fireplace Christmas stockings while including the names of all the other grandchildren.

There was also the apparent strategy Joe and Jill Biden once delivered to aides about Navy Roberts that went along the lines of making sure they knew to reference six, not seven, grandchildren whenever speaking about them to the mainstream media.

Even Joe Biden finally "acknowledging" her existence to the public in the summer of 2023 was cold and clinical, with him issuing a very brief statement on a Friday night, not to a major news outlet but to People magazine.

Between that and the June 2023 child support settlement news that made it look like Hunter Biden got the much better end of the deal, it should be no surprise to anyone that Lunden Roberts, who is Navy Roberts' mother, has a tell-all book coming out in August.

Skyhorse Publishing posted this blurb about the book on their website:

Lunden is finally ready to step into the light and tell her story. In her brave and honest memoir, she recounts the chaos, the broken trust, and ultimately the incredible love she found mothering and protecting the long-unacknowledged grandchild of the sitting President of the United States. 

Here's more from the book's teaser:

What followed from that first meeting was a wild journey that would come to define Lunden’s young life in ways she never could have anticipated. Out of the Shadows chronicles that rollercoaster ride of a relationship, touching on the drug cook working in Rosemont Seneca's kitchen, strip clubs where Hunter might try the pole himself, protecting him from would-be terrorists in New York City, the night she grabbed two guns and was certain she would have to fatally shoot a crazed MMA fighter, and dozens of other stories that make the laptop debacle seem routine.

The book's release will not just be on any random Tuesday in August. It's coming out on August 20th, which will be the second day of the Democratic National Convention:

You know what? Good for her. Considering how shabbily both she and Navy Roberts have been treated by the Biden family, I don't blame her one bit for not only keeping the story out there but also for making money off it. If reports of what she got in the settlement are true, she probably needs it. Plus, considering the publicity her situation has gotten nationally and the scrutiny it brought upon her for the crime of briefly falling for Joe Biden's son, I'd say a little extra compensation is in order.

In an era where talk of "privilege" is all the rage in Democrat circles, it will be good to have the story out there at a time Joe Biden will once again try to pass himself off as the proud, doting grandfather with humble beginnings. The Bidens are the definition of the word privilege, and as far as I'm concerned, any spotlight that can be shined on that inconvenient truth is a good thing.