Friday, May 24, 2024

President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

Posting to Truth Social account, President Trump shared a video with the background narration of Victor Davis Hanson last night.

The outline as spoken eloquently by VDH, walks through the fear of the entire apparatus of the political left; a fear created by their inability to destroy everything that Donald J Trump represents.  {Direct Rumble Link}

REMEMBER: The need for control is a reaction to fear. Often people write the professional political leftists within the IC, Deep State and DOJ/FBI apparatus do not look fearful, act with fear, nor do they operate from an appearance of fearfulness.  However, that counterpoint is wrong. It is exactly fear that creates the severe need for control.  The more fearful they are, the more vitriolic and dangerous their triggered need for control becomes.

The way to destroy the professional political left is to laugh at them.  Laugh and ignore the communists.  Ridicule evil.  Belittle them. Force them to exhibit their insufferable need for control.  This natural ability to be their toxic kryptonite is the gift that Donald J Trump represents, and the best part is he doesn’t create it.

Donald John Trump is authentic to himself. Even when he is in the middle of battle, President Trump lives, breathes and engages in the mechanisms of life the same way he would if the battle was not happening around him.  President Trump is oblivious to how difficult the terrain around him is. Trump lives as Trump would live, absorbing the attacks upon him as fuel for his own sense of purpose.

Every attack against Trump only makes the purpose of him seem bigger, stronger and bolder, which makes Donald Trump a uniquely natural destroyer of leftism.  President Trump walks at the center of the hurricane wind that surrounds him, and close allies who veer away from a very tight orbit quickly get destroyed by the intensity of the attack winds.

I am openly a person of faith. I also accept things as they are.  After watching closely, I believe the only aspect of the man that reconciles with the visible outcome is that Donald John Trump is surrounded by protection.  Prayer works.

I am also at peace, because we will win.