Sunday, May 12, 2024

PATHETIC: Sean Fraser – The Guy Who Wrecked The Immigration System

 Says He’s The Guy To Fix The Housing Crisis Caused By The Wrecked Immigration System !

What a joke.

Sean Fraser has to be one of the dumbest and most pathetic federal ministers this country has ever had.

Fraser was the Immigration Minister when the Liberal government destroyed the immigration system.

He was in charge of ramping up immigration to completely unsustainable levels.

This was a catastrophic decision.

It made housing even less affordable than it already was.

It has destroyed the pro-immigration consensus that once existed in this nation, along with destroying an immigration system that was once the envy of the world.

It has led to further crumbling of our social services.

It has increased social tensions and made the country a more divided place.

This can’t be said enough. Canada’s housing affordability crisis was made MUCH worse because of the immigration surge that Sean Fraser oversaw.


If Fraser had a shred of humility, he would have resigned from Parliament entirely. He would have realized that he simply didn’t have what it takes and would have spared the country further damage due to his pathetic incompetence.

But instead – as reported by Blacklock’s – Fraser now thinks he’s the one to fix the housing crisis:

“Housing Minister Sean Fraser yesterday said he will “be the person who actually goes and does” fix the national housing crisis. Testifying at the Commons human resources committee, Fraser complained his predecessors did not do enough to restore affordability: “I am going to be the person.””

Fraser, along with Trudeau, created the problem.

He is the very last person in the entire country who should be brought on to fix it.

So, not only is Fraser incompetent, he’s also delusional.

Unfortunately, this means the housing affordability crisis is only going to get worse.

Spencer Fernando