Friday, May 17, 2024

NEWS Here’s the damning Cohen clip that the media, even Fox News, won’t show you…

 Disgraced liar and convicted felon Michael Cohen is back on the stand in the sham “hush money” case against President Trump, where regime prosecutors have yet to prove a crime was committed.

What they have managed to demonstrate is that their two star witnesses—a washed-up, haggard porn actress and a frumpy, disbarred lawyer—should be the ones under criminal investigation, not President Trump. This case reeks more of extortion with each passing day. Think about it: how could President Trump have possibly silenced Stormy Daniels back in 2016 when Revolver already exposed that she had sold her story to “Life and Style” magazine in 2013?


[D]espite the fact that Stormy Daniels at the time denied an affair with Trump, she gave an interview telling the story of her affair to a tabloid in 2011. This story was then published in 2011 and had been in the public domain for quite some time. Our source, who has direct knowledge of such matters, offered corroborating information that further highlights the farce that is the case against Trump.

According to our inside source, the real backstory of this saga is far more complex and scheming than you might have imagined. Speaking under the condition of anonymity, our source provided insight into how Team Stormy’s secretive and meticulously coordinated extortion plot came to be. Our source also highlighted a critical error made in this “extortion plot” about thirteen years ago that, frankly, should derail this sham trial completely, along with the actual reason behind that infamous NDA.

As suggested, the Stormy saga dates back much further than many realize, all the way to 2011. Our source revealed that Stormy’s manager, Gina Rodriguez, who is a well-connected media operative, had been attempting to peddle Stormy’s “Trump story” for six months before disgraced former lawyer and convicted felon Michael Cohen took over managing the deal in the messy aftermath of the Access Hollywood tape release. However, prior to that, our source reveals that back in 2011, Team Stormy had already shared her “Trump affair” tale with a tabloid called In Touch Magazine, which at the time was owned by the German conglomerate Bauer. However, no deal was struck to publish the story in that particular magazine, and so it remained under wraps until years later. This does not mean that the story had to wait years to see the light of day. Bauer, the parent company of In Touch, cleverly sidestepped its confidentiality provision with Stormy Daniels by publishing her story in a sister publication called Life & Style Magazine—this is a crucial detail that has been largely lost amid the current anti-Trump hysteria. This now brings us back to Gina Rodriguez, who, in April 2016, right as Trump’s campaign was gaining momentum, saw dollar signs and attempted once again to shop Stormy’s story, but she had no luck. Why? Because at that point, as the New York Times excerpt suggests, the story had already been in the public domain since 2011, having been published by Life & Style, and everybody in the media industry knew it.

This is the best-kept secret in the media. Everybody knows this story has been out there for years, but they’ve conveniently forgotten to mention it when it matters most. You can read the entire bombshell piece here:

Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA

And speaking of things the media is keeping under wraps, we’ve uncovered another damning “throwback clip featuring the rumpled former attorney Michael Cohen. In this footage, Cohen admits that President Trump never once directed him to make any payment to Stormy Daniels. Yet, no media outlets are re-airing this beauty—not even Fox News.

Stormy is on record stating she never had an affair with President Trump.

Cohen has also made it perfectly clear that President Trump had nothing to do with this transaction.

Furthermore, an old clip has resurfaced, this time featuring Stormy Daniels on camera telling Bill Maher she was never “coerced.” This directly contradicts what she recently said in court, exposing once again that the prosecutors’ “star witnesses” are proven liars. When will these two fraudsters be thrown in a cell? Don’t hold your breath. Sadly, our injustice system just doesn’t work that way in the era of Trump.

As this sham trial unfolds, it’s becoming increasingly clear to many that Cohen, like Stormy, was concocting an extortion scheme. Perhaps he hoped to extort not only Donald Trump but also his friends and associates. Cohen styled himself as a so-called “fixer,” yet he’s the one who defrauded and caused most of the damage right from the start. Could it be that the Deep State targeted Cohen early on, using the same tactics they employed against George Papadopoulos to kickstart the Russia hoax, only this time it was a hoax focused on Trump and a haggard porn actress? Could that be why he’s been “coached” by the left?

Laura Loomer:


🚨Democrat NY Congressman who helped prepare Michael Cohen for his anti -Trump testimony is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s Democrat political consulting company @Authentic_HQ! 🚨

Today, New York Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman went on @MSNBC and said he has “deposed @MichaelCohen212 and met with him a number of times to prepare him” for the trial which is being overseen by Judge Merchan in NYC.

Cohen is the prosecutors’ “star witness”.

Rep. Dan Goldman is a client of Loren Merchan’s Democrat consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns.

Why is a member of Congress meeting with a felon who committed perjury?

This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and Judge Merchan needs to immediately RECUSE HIMSELF from overseeing the Trump trial!

See RECEIPTS below!

One thing’s for certain, though: the media, including our “friends” at Fox News, definitely don’t want to remind you of past admissions by Stormy and Cohen. It punches too many holes in the regime’s narrative, revealing that our entire mainstream media is complicit in this latest hoax.