Friday, May 31, 2024

Liberal Reporter: The Trump Hush Money Circus Is 'the Dumbest Trial in American History'

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts in the hush money circus that was brought against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The DA with Soros ties elevated a misdemeanor charge whose statute of limitations had expired to a felony, trying to make the case that the former president falsified business records to hide payments to Stormy Daniels, an adult performer with whom Trump allegedly had a tryst. The minority Left thinks this is the trial of the century. The rest of the county couldn’t care less. 

The jury selection was a sign that this trial was rigged against the former president. The scales were further tipped by the jury instructions handed down by Judge Merchan, a Democratic donor whose daughter is a liberal political operative. It was rigged, but MSNBC thought this was the fairest trial in history. Unsurprisingly, that network was slobbering all over this outcome:

So, what about the whole muzzling of expert witnesses that would’ve blown a Saturn-sized hole through the prosecution’s case? Trump was slapped with a gag order. This entire trial was an unconstitutional mess from start to finish. Bragg argued that the COVID pandemic allowed these charges to be brought forward; that chaotic period suspended the statute of limitations, grade-A bunk. 

The liberal media thinks Trump being a felon is a big deal. Nobody cares. The country does not care, something the network’s number cruncher, Harry Enten, highlighted before the verdict. 

Most think Trump can’t get a fair trial, and the rush to circumvent norms and make charges isn’t lost on anyone. Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet, so the commentators say the president’s strategy must shift toward making it all about Trump and not this White House’s accomplishments. That’s because they have none: 

Even ardent progressives like Michael Tracey called this the dumbest trial in history. 

“You can certainly argue that the 235-year-old ‘gentleman’s agreement’ that presidents are not convicted of crimes had to go,” he wrote. “But to throw it out for such insultingly ridiculous charges is just a slap in the face to all reason and good judgment.”

There will be more liberal media reactions throughout the next couple of days. These were the first tranche of insanity. I can’t wait until these liberal clowns find out that Trump won’t be jailed, even if given some jail time, should Judge Merchan decide to go that route. Sentencing will be on July 11, but if we’re going by precedent concerning the class of felonies Trump has been convicted of, jail time was seldom handed down. 

There will be appeals, and again, no one cares about Trump being a felon. We have anti-Trump Republicans who are now declaring they would crawl across broken glass to support Trump. Everyone sees through this charade. Whatever the verdict, Trump only got stronger today. So, the Left can drool over this verdict, but it did help Trump.

As a New York Giants fan, it kills me to say this, but I’ll channel the mantra of the hated Philadelphia Eagles: ‘No one likes us, we don’t care.’