Saturday, May 25, 2024

CONFIRMED: Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell' Is Authentic and Will Be Trial Evidence, Per Special Counsel

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Federal prosecutors on Hunter Biden's illegal gun purchase case will now be using a wealth of information taken from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop in the First Son's upcoming trial - and over the objections of Hunter's attorneys, Special Prosecutor David Weiss told Judge Maryellen Norieka that the laptop is authentic and he can prove it. Hunter Biden's past may be — finally — about to catch up with him.

Federal prosecutors plan to deploy thousands of pages of electronic records from first son Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” and other technology — including a message demanding more “chore boy” to smoke crack cocaine, court papers show.

President Biden’s 54-year-old son goes on trial June 3 in the Delaware federal case accusing him of illegally owning a gun while addicted to drugs and prosecutors in special counsel David Weiss’ office have said they plan to show damning evidence taken from the laptop, a hard drive and an iCloud account linked to his iPad and iPhone XR.

In all, the feds say, they have more than 18,000 pages of Biden’s electronic records which they want to summarize in a chart for jurors.

Here's an example of Hunter's own words from the "laptop from Hell":

One message says, “I need more chore boy,” according to court papers filed by prosecutors on Wednesday.

Hunter's team is preparing objections:

Hunter’s team also said they should be allowed to object to some of the laptop evidence being shown, claiming the hard drive was hacked and the incriminating evidence was planted there.

But prosecutors say they would be able to corroborate and prove the digital evidence they plan to show is authentic and taken from Biden’s own devices.

Weiss’ prosecutors also want to include messages between Hunter and “Witness 3,” previously identified by The Post as his sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie Biden, that were sent to and from the phone of Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and thus “not synced to his iCloud account.”

Hunter Biden is currently preparing to stand trial on charges of illegal purchase and possession of a .38 caliber Colt revolver, which was later illegally ditched by Hallie Biden.

If the prosecutors can establish the veracity of the information on the laptop, the information presented is pretty damning. Using the defendant's own words against him would be a strong case against the First Son and his alleged illegal purchase; not only that, but any information on the laptop, if similarly verified, will be valuable in a host of other investigations, such as the Biden family's business dealings in China and Ukraine.

The evidence cited directly documents, in Hunter's own words, his ongoing drug use. All legal firearms purchases from licensed dealers require the completion of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Form 4473, which includes a required answer to part 11e:

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Hunter answered in the negative; the records from his laptop appear to show otherwise, as they document his ongoing drug use. The purchase of a firearm after making a false statement on Form 4473 is a federal crime.

It's unclear whether Hunter's problems could have any effect on the November election — he is not, after all, the candidate — but it certainly isn't helping his father's re-election efforts.

Hunter Biden is also facing tax evasion charges in an unrelated California case.