Wednesday, May 22, 2024

BINGO! Biden Draws Tens Of People To Event In New Hampshire

 Waiting for someone to yell “Bingo”

Tens of people showed up again Tuesday as Joe Biden appeared at an event in New Hampshire, where he has lost significant ground to Donald Trump.

The New Hampshire Journal posted a video showing the tiny crowd that had gathered to see Biden, noting that the room was completely flat.

It was a repeat of Biden’s appearance in Atlanta at the weekend, where no one cared that he’d arrived and a few people crammed into a small tea room to watch him shuffle looking confused.

During the New Hampshire event, Biden attempted to tout the PACT Act, which purports to improve veterans’ access to health care, but he couldn’t even say the name of it.

He can’t read the auto cue:

When he goes off script it’s mega cringe:

Biden is faring so badly in New Hampshire, which has been a blue state for almost 25 years, that Trump has pulled level with him in the state, which Democrats won by 7% in 2020.

 Praecones Analytica’s Dr. Jonathan Klingler noted “In comparison to exit polls from the 2020 presidential election, independent/undeclared voters in New Hampshire demonstrate significantly lower support for Biden, as Biden won around 60 percent of these voters in 2020, compared to around a quarter if the election were held today.”

Biden’s overall approval rating has fallen to a two year low at just 36%, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.