Sunday, May 12, 2024

Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

President Joe Biden’s biggest donors are reportedly frustrated over his abandonment of Israel after his recent move of delaying a weapons shipment over a potential ground invasion of Rafah.

Biden not only has millions of Americans on his back for forsaking Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists, but his top 2024 donors are critiquing him for the move. 

Democratic megadonor and Israeli American Haim Saban contacted senior White House officials asking Biden to reconsider his decision to halt weapons to the Jewish state. 

“Bad, Bad, Bad, decision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” Saban wrote in the letter obtained by Axios

"Let's not forget that there are more Jewish voters, who care about Israel, than Muslim voters that care about Hamas,” he continued. 

Earlier this week, Biden threatened Israel, saying that he would restrict weapons delivery if the country decided to invade Rafah. 

In February, Saban hosted a fundraising event for Biden at his California home. Following the event, the Democrat donor said that he and the president had a long talk about his support for Israel. 

“Biden cares deeply about Israel, it's in his kishkes,” Saban said.

The president’s support for Israel has evoked anger, some being violent, pro-Hamas protests across the country. Many of them vowed to not vote for him in the upcoming election, prompting many of them to eye third-party candidates. 

Critics of Biden’s actions believe he disowned Israel just to win back lost votes ahead of November. 

“There has never been a president more pro-Israel than Joe Biden but at the same time we are very concerned about what appears to be a significant shift in US policy,” Mark Mellman, the president and CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel told the outlet.

Mellman said that Biden will likely face consequences politically as the “pro-Israel community are very worried, very upset and very angry.”