Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Biden Has Been 'Officially' Corrected in White House Transcripts 148 Times in 2024 Alone

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

If it weren't for the fact that they are running interference for the worst president in the history of the republic, and one of the most deeply and fundamentally corrupt political figures since Huey Long - maybe Caligula - I'd almost feel sorry for White House staffers. These poor saps are trying to cover up President Joe Biden's mental and physical decline, and it's getting harder by the day. Every time the president speaks, it's another Gaffe-A-Palooza, and the problem is this: Every time he speaks, the White House has to issue an official transcript.

Now we learn that, just since January 1, 2024, the President's remarks have had to be "corrected" in those transcripts no fewer than 148 times. And it's not just the fact that he had to be corrected - it's the why.

The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions. Communications staff frequently correct, add to or alter Biden’s official remarks in order to either bring them into compliance with official White House policy or, in some cases, reality, a Daily Caller analysis showed. In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.

Corrections, indeed. Here's the onion: It's not always correcting the things he said, it's adding things he "should have said, but didn't." You know - for context.

Some of the modifications include corrections to names, dates and titles of organizations. Others change verbs and modify the meaning of the president’s statement entirely. Words that the president didn’t say, but should’ve, according to the White House staff, have also been added to the transcripts.

“It was then, through no — through my American Rescue Plan — which every American [Republican] voted against, I might add — we made the largest investment in public safety ever,” the White House transcript of Biden’s March State of the Union address read.

So, unnamed staffers are second-guessing the president of the United States.

Granted, the president could use some second-guessing, as his first guesses aren't generally very good. Joe Biden, throughout his long career in which he never has actually done an honest day's work, was never what you'd call an engaging speaker. Even at his prime - and I use the word "prime" in the broadest possible sense - he was never more than a middling orator. I'm not talking about his supposed stutter; take a look at this clip from his speech in 1987, when he was forced to drop his presidential campaign over allegations of plagiarism, and you won't see any real evidence of that stutter.

This is more than a speech impediment. It's a brain impediment. This is the ongoing mental and physical deterioration of the one man who is arguably the most powerful man on the planet. And it's getting more and more difficult to hide it.

The "adding things he should have said, but didn't" is especially troubling. These are staffers - unelected, largely unknown - who are adding words to history's record of the president of the United States, words he did not say, words that these staffers have decided he should have said but didn't.


No wonder former President Donald Trump is pulling ahead in the polls, legal challenges and all.

The Biden presidency has descended from unintentional comedy to farce. It's a train wreck that is still ongoing, and November just can't come soon enough.