Monday, April 29, 2024

Watch This Progressive Student Admitting Real Reason Biden Doesn’t Secure Border

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The millions of illegal immigrants storming the United States border as a result of President Joe Biden’s reckless policies is no accident. 

With Biden’s approval rating too far gone to recover and the 2024 presidential election getting closer, the Democratic Party needs a solution to save themselves. 

Insert a broken border— which allows for millions of illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections. 

And who will they vote for? The candidate who is rolling out the red carpet for them. 

Republican lawmakers have warned that illegal aliens could register to vote and cast ballots in favor of Democratic candidates, swaying the election in Biden’s direction. 

“If you look at what’s going on at the border when you’ve got so many illegal aliens pouring into our country, imagine the efforts used to get them to register to vote and that’s what this is all about,” Secretary of State Michael Watson (R-Miss.) “It’s about control, it’s about continuing their power, and unfortunately that puts our country in a terrible position, so it’s immediate and it’s something where we hope they will respect our request to stop the program.” 

Democrats have high hopes that their immigration policy will import voters to make up for the loss of Biden voters due to his policies that have caused issues in America such as inflation and crime. 

A left-wing University of Utah student admitted to Turning Point USA and conservative commentator Charlie Kirk that the reason Biden refuses to close the border is so that he can secure millions of votes that he otherwise wouldn’t receive from Americans. 

“How many illegals are coming across the border every day? Kirk asked, noting about ten to 15,000 illegal immigrants are crossing the border daily. 

“And they’re all gonna vote Democrat,” the student admitted. “The illegals, they’re coming here. They’re gonna vote Democrat and we’re going to win.” 

The student then proceeded to say “Who cares” about the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border and saying he believes the U.S. should adopt a “one world government.” 

According to a recent Axios Vibes survey by the Harris Poll, more than half of Americans support mass deportations of illegal aliens— including 42 percent of Democrats. Crime, drugs, and violence were their top concern with a wide-open southern border. 

In addition, 30 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of Republicans also believe in ending birthright citizenship.