Monday, April 15, 2024

Speaker Johnson Discusses Israel/Ukraine Funding and Synergy With President Trump

House Speaker Mike Johnson appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss recent events with Iran increasing their open military engagement against Israel.   Additionally, Johnson discusses his recent conversation with President Trump and some of the details of the approach toward Israel, Ukraine and other geopolitical events.

Speaker Johnson is correct in that if the House GOP fractures and gives control of the House of Representatives to the democrats, the primary purpose of the dems will be to eliminate Trump.  Keep in mind the Supreme Court reinstated President Trump on the ballots of several states by ruling that only congress could remove a candidate from a federal ballot.  If democrats take control of the House, they will create legislation to do exactly that.

The topic of the FISA-702 renewal happens at the 08:00 point.  On this issue, the example cited of the warrant needed is the same as would be needed if two Americans are discussing the same.  Johnson is buying the strawman arguments from the IC, which is exactly what I previously explained.    WATCH: