Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Oh Noes! Joe Scarborough Frets That Ongoing Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Will 'Elect Donald Trump!'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations continue at multiple universities across the country, intrepid "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough is concerned, America — bigly. Downright worried, he is.

Is Joe concerned about Jewish students at Columbia University who are afraid to leave their apartments? Is he concerned about the potential for violence? Is he worried about the disruption of classes?

Nope, none of the above.

What really worries Scarborough is that the failure of left-wing university administrators to quell the demonstrations might lead to the election of the Devil's spawn —Donald Trump — in November. 

Oh, the humanity! 

Mika kicked off the festivities on Monday's edition of "Morning Joe."

Ahead, the latest on the protests over Gaza that are spreading to more and more college campuses.

And, we're going to have an exclusive, first look at Forbes' list of the new Ivies, universities who are poised to replace the elite institutions, in part because of their handling of the protest. It is a much bigger story.

Much bigger story, or not, Joe couldn't contain his nervousness over a potential Trump win in November.

And I've got to say, just the absolute weakness of the administration, the cowardice of the administration, and, unfortunately, on these elite colleges, having people that are now running these elite colleges on faculty boards that, that, that burned down college campuses in the 1960s, that were responsible for the election in part of Richard Nixon in 1968 because of the chaos on college campuses, because of the chaos in Chicago. 

"They," Scarborough reasoned, gave America five more years of the Vietnam War.

And they gave America Richard Nixon and five more years of war. Good job. Let's see if these administrators, the ones that, like, tried to levitate the Pentagon in the 1960s with Abbie Hoffman. The ones who took over presidents' offices in the 1960s, that, that trashed college campuses. 

Not to nitpick, but Nixon's predecessor Lyndon Johnson was responsible for escalating the war in Vietnam. LBJ's vice president, Hubert Humphrey, was the 1968 Democrat presidential nominee who Nixon beat. 

So on what basis would Scarborough assume that Humphrey would've ended the war any sooner than Nixon ended it? Other than the obvious reality that Joe's Trump Derangement Syndrome affliction has worsened to the degree that he loathes all Republican politicians; past, present, and future.

Scarborough then reached the depth of his TDS madness — on this episode, I mean. (Emphasis, mine.)

Let's see if they're now going to elect Donald Trump for, I don't know, maybe the last election in American history. If so, good job. Way to go. 

Way to go, by not being able to discipline students that violate your rules. You either have rules or you don't have rules. You either have standards or you don't have standards. And if you can't live by them, leave! 

Wow, right?

Scarborough reiterated his surprising call for disciplining left-wing protesters.

And let's get some adults in these universities that actually teach students that there are consequences when they break the rules, when they break the laws, and when they spout genocidal chants over and over again.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. 

Yet, a mind riddled with Trump Derangement Syndrome is often a fun thing to watch.