Friday, April 12, 2024

Now We Know the Democrats Are Desperate About 2024

On Thursday, Bonchie covered the corporate media's attempt to generate another George Floyd, which failed miserably as it was quickly discovered that the police shooting they wanted to use to create outrage was completely justified. 

The Press Are Pushing a New George Floyd, and the Headlines Are Dangerous and Shameless

The story revolves around a man named Dexter Reed who was shot to death by Chicago police. To hear the corporate media tell it, Reed was pulled over by police and was shot "96" times by four officers who already had their guns drawn on him. This, of course, wasn't the case. Reed was already on pre-trial release for violent felonies and regardless, the officer had approached his car normally. The guns only came out after Reed indicated he had no intention of going quietly. Moreover, and most importantly, he fired first. 

It's all on camera. Still, the corporate media did what they do, and began posting pictures of Reed in his graduation robe and cap, smiling at the camera. As Townhall's Julio Rosas pointed out, this is a naked attempt to stoke "literal flames." 

He's not wrong. This is one of the classic herbs and spices that make up the recipe for another set of race riots around America, once known as the "Black Lives Matter" movement. 

And it's here that the left is showing how desperate it's willing to get about 2024. 

If you woke up from a coma after a few years, you'd be able to judge if we're close to an election season brd on whether or not the Democrats and its media are trying to gin up race riots. Black Lives Matter first appeared during the 2016 elections, then again in 2020. Each time the movement appears, cities and towns burn, people die, and for some reason, Democrats benefit from all of it. During the 2020 elections, Black Lives Matter became the most powerful unofficial political party in America. 

The thing is, 2020's Black Lives Matter riots were so bad that America began to sour on the movement after a time and found it becoming more and more unpopular. Moreover, the movement was soaked in corruption. Its co-founder, Patrice Cullors, walked away from the organization with a ton of money and a fancy new home

With Power Attained and Money Made, Black Lives Matter Fades Into the Background

Questions began popping up about where all the money BLM got had gone, prompting demands for investigations and audits from other BLM organizations. To this day, a lot of those questions still hang in the air and none of it has made it--and by extension, the Democrat Party--look good. 

If you're wondering why the left hasn't attempted to kick up another BLM movement until now, that's why. It's because it's something that would give them a short-term game but a long-term injury. Even after everything, there's still no guarantee that it would play out well in the short term at this point, as BLM has that cloud hanging over it now. 

Not that they haven't tried to kick up different movements. 

They tried to create a BLM movement but with transgender people in place of black people. That failed

They tried to create a movement around environmentalism. That failed too

For a hot minute, it looked like they were gearing up to push another pandemic but that fizzled out so fast that I legitimately forgot if I ever wrote anything about it. 

A lot of the left's failure to get a movement started can be attributed to community notes on X, which tends to destroy narratives before they get off the ground. This is something the left didn't ever have to contend with before, and they still haven't figured out how to get around it. 

But the bottom line is that the left has avoided trying to start another BLM movement up to this point. It's too heavy with baggage and yet, they desperately need something that will force a divide in the country, generate spite, and cause people to drift leftward as the media obsesses over a single issue. 

In short, 2024 is looking better and better for Republicans.