Saturday, April 13, 2024

NEW: Bombshell Hearing Set, Three D.C. National Guard Officers to Expose January 6th Committee

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The now-defunct January 6th committee is set to take another gut punch after the emergence of three whistleblowers from the Washington, D.C., National Guard. 

According to The Daily Mail, which first reported the revelation, the three officers will testify that then-President Donald Trump and then-Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller did approve the deployment of the guard to help secure the Capitol Grounds. A hearing has been set for Wednesday in front of the House Oversight Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Barry Loudermilk.

Whistleblowers from the Washington D.C. National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump did want them deployed during the Capitol riot and the Army delayed telling them to mobilize in a bombshell hearing next week. can exclusively reveal that at least three officers will appear Wednesday before a House subcommittee to claim their stories were also ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee, because it didn't fit their narrative.

The hearing will aim to further prove that Acting Defense Secretary at the time Christopher Miller did give advance approval of D.C. National Guard deployment at the direction of then-President Donald Trump.

The testimonies the whistleblowers are set to deliver strongly contradict the proclamations of the January 6th committee. Liz Cheney, one of the loudest members, spent years insinuating that Trump not only planned for the January 6th riot to occur but that he did nothing to try to prevent it or quell it. Further, the January 6th committee allegedly hid testimony countering that narrative. 

January 6th Committee Hid Testimony Corroborating Trump Request for National Guard Troops

None of these details comport with Cheney's claim in the committee's final report that Trump never requested National Guard troops to help secure the grounds. That would explain why the January 6th committee, which was only interested in placing blame on the former president, did not release this testimony and instead kept it locked away.

As with the previously hidden testimony of Anthony Ornato mentioned above, these National Guard whistleblowers will testify that the January 6th committee ignored their on-the-ground experiences because they didn't fit the anti-Republican narrative. The lengths to which Cheney and her cohorts went to cover up the truth is truly astonishing. Far from a straight telling of the facts, they hid and even deleted evidence showing that they found inconvenient. 

Additionally, the whistleblowers will reveal how the January 6 Committee did not want to hear their testimony because it corroborated Trump and his allies' claims that the former president did authorize the National Guard days in advance to respond to any violence or unrest on January 6, 2021.

Also found in their upcoming testimonies will be evidence that then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy sat on White House orders to deploy the guard to the Capitol. The report notes that a possible motivation could have been McCarthy's desire to secure a position within the soon-to-begin Biden administration. 

This is all astonishing stuff, though not surprising when you consider who made up the January 6th committee. It was always a tool to politically influence elections (both 2022 and 2024), not a tool to reveal the truth and provide substantive suggestions on how to prevent future issues. The goal was to make it all about Trump despite it being clear he had no advance knowledge of the riot and that he tried to provide more strident security. 

Unfortunately, the January 6th committee members, some of whom are out of government at this point, will get away with it. The best Republicans can do is expose them and hope Americans respond to the corruption.